We blinked.

We were eating dinner, the phone rang, everything changed.

They were walking in to eat dinner, he said “I think I’m walking sideways”  “My hand feels funny, my head hurts”

She blinked.

He slumped.

She called 911

They called us.

We blinked and we were in the car driving to Victoria.

We blinked and the whole family changed.

Nathan’s grandfather had a stroke last night.  A blood vessel in his brain burst and then hemorraghed into all the available space in his skull.  He is currently in ICU and the prognosis is not good.

I will not be on the computer anymore today, I don’t know when I’ll be back on.

I’m going to go surround Pa Pa (paw paw) with the rest of the family.  We’re going to cry, we’re going to laugh, we’re going to pray but most importantly, we are going to be together.  We are going to enjoy the moments, big and small.  We will tell stories, share memories and we will experience.  We will feel the pain, the inevitable loss and I will marvel once again at both the frailty of life and then strength of the human spirit and unbreakable bonds of love and family.

Hug someone you love today, tell someone you love them today.

You never know what the next blink will reveal.


  1. It’s always hard to wrap your head around something that takes a second to happen when the fall out of that second is so big and long.

    I’ll be thinking of your family.

    HUGS, friend.

  2. We can never take any moment for granted. As you said, it could change in a blink of an eye. I am sorry for what you are going through and I am praying for you and your family.

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Jennifer’s latest brilianceSpring lunch and a recipe

  4. It’s all about family where it comes from, who it comes from. Honoring those that helped create all the beautiful people that surround you. You are right, don’t ever miss an opportunity to tell those around you how much you love them.

    AmyAnne’s latest brilianceMy Grandma

  5. Oh…Rachel…I just saw your most recent tweet and I flew over here to read this. I am sooo so sorry for your family’s loss. I can sense your closeness and I’m sending you hugs from too far away. Please know you’re all in my prayers…but I wish I could do more.

    Love you…xo

  6. Sending strong, loving thoughts your way. I’m so sorry, for you and the whole family. I hope the memories you all get to share are vibrant and easy.

    Zoeyjane’s latest brilianceOn Juggling

  7. Praying incredibly hard for you and your family right now.

    Chelsea/PB&J In A Bowl’s latest briliance

  8. I’m so sorry! I pray that if he goes, his passing is peaceful. It sounds like he will be surrounded by loved ones. My thoughts are with your family.

  9. I know I’m late in my condolences but I wanted to share them just the same. Losing a grandparent is difficult, it’s such a special relationship that is shared. I pray for peace and comfort for you, your husband and the whole family.

    Love you, my friend. Be at peace.

    Malia’s latest brilianceMy Lent: Prologue

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