We made a wish, and you came true.
We made a wish, God gave us you.

I blinked and in that second…
my baby grew up into a beautiful little girl.

November 18, 2003, four short years ago.
A princess arrived and changed our lives forever.
You are amazing, funny, intelligent, talented, kind, charming and strong.
I see glimpses in you now, of the woman you will become, and it blows me away.
I am honored to be your mother, I am blessed to be the one to guide you and teach you, although, I think I learn more from you; than you do from me.
I hope you always laugh without reservation, love without fear, dance in the rain and know without a doubt that you are loved unconditionally. At four, you know all of this… I hope at 14, 24 and even 44… you still know this as you do now.
You are loved and I am blessed.
Happy 4th Birthday princess.
Love then, now and always,



  1. That was great! Very touching. She is such a beautiful child! And she has a wonderful mother. Happy Birthday to her!!!

  2. how cute…My lil one is 4 too..its a pretty rockin age..

    its when they get to be 10 that it all goes down hill;)

  3. What a sweet letter to your daughter. My eyes are all misty.
    Letting our daughters know how much they are loved is one of the most important tasks God gave us.

  4. Hey Texas girl! Thanks I need all the support I can get. That post is so beautiful and so is your daughter! I hope youre having a wonderful day. -the NooYawk girl:)

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