A spark began the day you were born
With each day, this spark grew brighter and stronger
One day love was found
These two sparks combined and became a fire…
The strongest fire.
Love’s fire.
From this fire, new sparks arose
these sparks burn brightly because of you.
Your fire will never be extinguished.
Because you are the ember that sparks the flames
This is your legacy
Your lasting promise
When your spark becomes a star, shining in the Heavens above…
You’ll look down and see
that the brightest fires on earth..
are those that burn
because of you.

I wrote this for Genny, my mother in law, about 3 months before she passed away.
It isn’t perfect… but it’s true.
I wanted her to know she has touched us, me and will live on forever because of the men she raised, and the love she spread.
Two years ago tomorrow, November 21st. She passed away.
She left her house on Nov 18th, 2005 to attend Princess’ 2nd birthday party.  It was the last time she left her house.
Monday, November 21st.. she never regained consciousness. It was a long battle with many pains and illnesses.
She waited and gave us a blessing.

Every single solitary member of her family made it to the house to say goodbye and was in the room with her when she passed.
It was peaceful, it was quiet and it was a passing filled with love.
She gave me the most amazing gift in my life. My husband and in turn my children.
For this, I will always remain grateful to my “other mother”.
God Bless you Genny.


  1. Beautiful post….I lost my grandma on June 12, 2005 two days before her 84th birthday…my littlest was only 3 months and my granny never got to see her great granddaughter before she died for real and not just pics….thank you for sharing with us!!

  2. Rachel:

    Thanks for sharing such beautiful words and memories. I’m so sorry you lost her, but I know she is looking after you and your family.

  3. That was so heartfelt, it brought tears to my eyes. You certainly have a way with words. Also, thank you for the encouraging comment you left on my recent post. It meant a lot to me.

  4. Lovely post and tribute…I lost 3 of my grandparents before I was 6 years old and the fourth when I was a teen.

    The Egel Nest

  5. I “deal in the death business” (aka I work in a an old folks home). I see a lot of sadness. No matter what, you NEVER get used to it.

    Thank you for celebrating the good memories. Sorry for your loss

  6. Very beautiful.

    That photo is marvelous. You can see in her eyes what a kind, loving woman she was.

    Your tribute is outstanding. Lovely words.

  7. Lovely post, doll..All of my grandparents are gone now….I miss them too….they forever hold a place in your heart, don’t they?
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Beautiful tribute to your grandmother! I’m so sorry! She sounds truly special and you were so lucky to have her in your life. Take care.

  9. What a beautiful way to remember your mil. It’s such a great thing that the people who loved her had a chance to say goodbye.

  10. Wow, what a beautiful poem for what sounds like a very beautiful soul. The gift of life is so precious, but so eternal, isn’t it? 🙂 Thank you for sharing such a sweet and personal post!

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