Yes, You! and You! and oh yes, YOU!

I see you back there, hiding in your reader, scrolling via phone .. well, today, I’m talking to you!

Do you know what today is?

Well, apparently it’s National Delurker Day.ย  See, it even has it’s own graphic and everything.

Thanks to RudeCactus for the graphic and idea and Sarah for reminding me ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’d love it if you’d come out of the proverbial woodwork today and tell me “Hi” or “Howdy” or anything.. What do you think of the new look?ย  Do you have any recipes you’d like me to feature?ย  Any requests??ย  Are you going to Blissdom and this is your first time here?

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. not technically a lurker since I do comment occasionally, but I’ll say hi anyway. I can’t see the new look since my computer is slow and it hasn’t loaded yet. Would you like to email my husband and give him one more reason to buy me a new one? Kthx. ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Erin G´s last blog ..Three Month Report Card =-.

  2. Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there’s no one else above you? You fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness. Ease my troubles that’s what you do.

    xoxoxo Me and Rod Stewart are Delurking.

    You make me smile, Miss Rachel.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Pssst. Hi. Delurk. =-.

  3. Well, hi there.

    I read your comments on other blogs and follow you on Twitter, but I guess this *is* my first time here. I love the look of your site and I LOVE your photos at the top! They really tell your story.

    Anyway, I’ll be back and I look forward to meeting you at Blissdom–also hearing you speak. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    .-= Mary @ The Writer’s Block´s last blog ..The Nostalgia of Childhood =-.

  4. I’m not really a lurker, but I don’t comment every day. I haven’t linked up on a Monday lately, but I’m planning to next week! (Took some pictures last night!!)

    I’m going to Blissdom for the second year in a row, and I hope we have the chance to hang out or at least chat!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    OH, and I LOVE your new design!!!

  5. Kinda hate de-lurking, and I don’t know why. I once was a decent commenter on blogs. Worth it, because now I can compliment you on your design. Very lovely. And you know I’m going to Blissdom for the grand potato fight. Looking forward to see you!

  6. I’m not really a lurker… I think I have commented a time or two, but you are right, I do tend to read in my RSS reader ๐Ÿ™‚ I did pop over here a couple of days ago to see the revamp, and I love it…. I think I may have actually saw a mention on Twitter of the new look and popped over from there!

    O.K.. Delurking done.. looks like it is actually 40ยฐ outside so it is time for me to go let the horses out of the barn and do some actual work. Have I mentioned that it is just -wrong- to live in FL and have to wait for the temps to get above freezing in the morning to do my work!
    .-= Astaryth´s last blog ..A New Day and A New Yearโ€ฆ =-.

  7. I love ya.

    And your husband is a cute one. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..Only slightly obsessed. Which is totally not an oxymoron. Just a moronic title. =-.

  8. Hi! Just wanted to say I love your blog. I’ve tried several of your recipes and have even found a few that my eat anything 12 year old son and my very picky 9 year old son will both eat! Keep up the good work!

  9. *waves* Manically.

    Dude, your new design is WONDERFUL!! Love it.

    .-= sam {temptingmama}´s last blog ..Junk =-.

  10. Dood!

    I’m not only commenting–I linked to you in my latest post. I am nothing if not thorough.

    In return, will you promise to stop posting yummy-looking fattening recipes? No?

    Oh, well, I tried.

    C U @blissdom! xxx

  11. I love love love the new look ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m de-lurking. I read you every day in my reader– Sometimes I comment, but not as often as I should *blushes*

    I will try more! I love your blog!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Nothing but random thoughts.. =-.

  12. All right all right, I’m delurking. Been reading / following you for a while now, I am more of a reader than commenter. I have no idea why – probably because of time more than anything. Anyway, hello and it is fun to delurk!

  13. Delurking: love your website, serves as inspiration for the place I hope mine will be one day. Love following your Twitter as well (my blog/Twitter name don’t exactly match…started tweeting as me before I started blogging pseudo-anonymously…gave you the Bobbi Brown lipstick advice, though, if you remember that & want to grant me a “follow back”).

    Made some of your recipes from this blog (& that you posted on Blissfully Domestic) over the holidays. My family really loved the Oreo truffles.



  14. This is my first time here but I follow you on Twitter and we have been playing a WWF game for a few days. I loved your last Tastemakers recipe and as soon as I can get to the grocery store for some potatoes, I’ll be using it at home.

    .-= Kristin´s last blog ..Delurking Day! =-.

  15. Hi there! I’ve commented before but it’s been awhile. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re ticked that I bailed on you for blogging for boobs month. But I still love you and your blog and your recipes!! Happy Delurking Day!
    .-= Jill´s last blog ..Hark! Who goes there? =-.

  16. LOVE the new look! We tweet, but I don’t think I have commented before.
    .-= Janis @ SneakPeekAtMe´s last blog ..Don’t Miss National DeLurker Day! =-.

  17. Here I am! I am not lurking! Never have! I SWEAR IT! I’m not that kind of girl! heh
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..It DO get cold in Texas and Baby models. =-.

  18. I’m actually a newbie but still wanted to say hi. Not going to blissdom though I kinda wish I was…Harry Connick Jr baby. Mwah

  19. Well, I’m not delurking, but I haven’t been able to read/comment in a while. Love you honey!
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Hell-o, itโ€™s me =-.

  20. Hi! I don’t remember how I stumbled upon your blog but I find it cute and funny and I keep it in my blogreader, and have for a while now. ๐Ÿ™‚ I also read Dad Gone Mad, Catherine Newman, Big Mama, Boo Mama, Dooce, The Spohrs are Multiplying, Girl’s Gone Child, and many others. I like to read blogs and I stink at writing them but I have fun anyways. DELURK DONE! ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Sara Maria´s last blog ..More kudos from classmates =-.

  21. Oh, man…I got caught! ๐Ÿ™‚ Just kidding! Love your posts! And I promise to be better at commenting!

  22. I’m on the verge of making a pest of myself, actually, but I wanted to say “Hi!” anyway and that I’m hoping to meet you at Blissdom.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Not ready to give up naps =-.

  23. First time here so might as well Delurk while I am here. I lost my dad to cancer almost 2 yrs ago. My mom was diagnosed 5 weeks later, The letter you wrote to your mom, touched me so deeply, it had me in tears. What I would give to have him here to talk to on any given day. The loss I feel is so overwhelming some days. I will pray for you, for the strength you will need to face this battle while holding your moms hand, and I will pray for her, and the strength she needs to fight her battle.

  24. Ooh! I likes the new blog design a lot! It’s very nice. I lurk sometimes, stop by sometimes. I wish I was as motivated in the kitchen as you are! I won’t be at Blissdom, just another conference for me to be jealous of. I was going to do BlogHer this year, but with a new baby due in May I’m not sure. I kind of still want to go because I’ll probably meet even MORE cool people with a cute baby to attract them. We’ll see!

  25. Love the new look! I’m not really a lurker, but HI anyways! I’m not going to Blissdom, and I’m so sad over that fact. I’ll be at BlogHer though!
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..Hey youโ€ฆ =-.

  26. Hi. I don’t even remember how I stumbled across your blog, but I love it. I love the recipes, but also the glimpse into your life otherwise. We made the Oreo truffles and loved ’em. Can’t wait to make them with strawberry cream cheese!!! I’d love a recipe for chocolate mousse that isn’t expensive or complicated. I want to buy the one from Tastefully Simple, but $7.50/box is higher than I want to go when I could probably make so much for the $, if I knew how.
    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..Eyes in the back of my head =-.

  27. Sorry, I’m a little behind on everything lately. I would like to thank you for some awesome recipies. I am planning on trying your chili next.

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