I remember life before kids; I was a college student, a restaurant manager, a girlfriend, a fiance’ and a wife.  I thought that I knew what busy meant, little did I know that scheduled and full doesn’t necessarily mean busy.  Just because our days were full, did not mean that we were busy.

I didn’t learn what busy truly meant until I became a mom, chasing a kid who can flip, strip and roll out a diaper every 5 minutes… that’s busy.  Having a child follow you around while chattering nonstop with a stream of “why’s, what do you think, how do you know’s” while you try to cook, clean and entertain another child.  That’s busy.

Juggling PTA, kickball, soccer, girl scouts, pre-school performances, kindergarten activities, a husband, a household, a blog, a marriage, family, friends and precariously balanced sanity, that is busy. Having my day start with a 3 year old bouncing on the bed chattering about the day to come while coercing a 6 year old into her school uniform, while packing a healthy lunch and braiding long blonde hair, that’s busy.   All of this has re-defined busy, hectic, crazy and my life and I wouldn’t trade a moment of it for a quiet, boring, peaceful day.

Watch and see the busy, fun-filled, hectic, non-stop days of mine and some other wonderful ladies in the newest (and possibly busiest!) episode of BlissTV.

Filming the video with my kiddos and watching it with them, laughing over the silliness of the outtakes and smiling at the beauty of that special parenting bond makes me even happier to be a part of this amazing campaign!

Now, if you’re a mama, auntie, friend, big sister or parent… I have some exciting news, since Huggies partnered with us on this campaign.. I am thrilled to present to y’all……

Huggies® Enjoy The Ride Daily Diaper Giveaway

Huggies® wants to help you out with this crazy busy ride we call parenting by bringing you the Huggies® Enjoy The Ride Rewards Program!

You can sign up, earn points, spend them and be entered to win FABULOUS prizes!   Plus, if you sign up by June 30th you’ll be entered into the Daily Diaper Giveaway Sweepstakes for the chance to win a year’s supply of Huggies® diapers.

Become a fan on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to be notified of special coupons!  Go now to check out the current coupons for Little Movers and Little Snugglers diapers on Facebook.

Do you have an active little mover of your own that keeps you on your toes?  Share your story with us and be entered to win a $100 Gift Card.

We want to hear your stories and tips to survive the crazy busy days we all have had. Do you have a funny story or a helpful tip of what worked for you? Share it with the world.

Here is how to enter:

1) Post the BlissTV episode and link back to Blissfully Domestic

2) Tell your readers a funny story about life with your little mover or share a tip on how you make life easier!

3) Leave a comment at Blissfully Domestic and paste in the URL of your post!

The winner will be drawn on Monday June 14th, 2010. Good luck and Enjoy The Ride!


  1. I love you in this video — “because you’re so beautiful.”
    .-= Hollee Temple´s most recent blog ..TGIFive-Bite Friday =-.

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