Wildcats PTA Mom Shirt

That’s right, I am a proud PTA Mom, these are our PTA Board Shirts for Back To School/Meet The Teacher Night for the 2011-2012 school year.

Our mascot is the Wildcat, aren’t those CUTE!

Not only am I a PTA mom, the past two years I have been the Vice President and Fund-Raising Chair and NOW – I am the PTA President.

A moment of silence for my husband’s sanity, please.

I grew up in a house with an Elementary School Teacher.  I saw first-hand how important parent volunteers and support were for Teachers and the school as a whole.  I saw how the classrooms with active parents benefited and I knew that when I grew up and became a parent, I wanted to be one of those active parents.

I realize that I am truly blessed to be able to stay at home and be as involved as I am.

HOWEVER, everyone can be involved and everyone can support their school – 5 minutes – 5 hours – 5 days – the gift of your time multiplies with each child who benefits from it.  I wrote about this last year, too.

Now, even more than twenty-something years ago with the budget cuts, parent volunteers are more valuable than ever, and needed more than ever, too.

PTA President

It’s a daunting title and so much more than just a title, it’s a mission and a responsibility.

I want to help make a difference and support my school this year by being present, being available, being willing and that means to more than the Teachers and Staff.  That also means being approachable and available to the parents and fellow PTA members, too.

Here are some ways that I am supporting my school, MY WAY.

  • Helping Organize a Back To School Teacher Appreciation Breakfast with Volunteers who will bring delicious food and grab and go treats for the Staff the first Friday after school starts.
  • Meeting with the Principal before school starts to set goals for the school and PTA for the upcoming year
  • Setting goals for our fundraising funds that will benefit the school and teachers directly — new computers, school supplies etc…
  • Asking the Teachers, how can we help you?  How can our volunteers best help you? (this information then passes on to our Volunteer Coordinator)
  • Listening, just listening


How do YOU support YOUR school in your own way?



PTA Leader free online sign up sheets with volunteerspot

I SUPPORT MY SCHOOL.. MY WAY! And I’m joining VolunteerSpot’s sponsored Back To School campaign to help raise visibility for parent involvement in schools.

Save time {and sanity} and get more parents involved at school with VolunteerSpot.com!

VolunteerSpot’s FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more…. No more ‘Reply-All’ email chains or clipboard sign up sheets! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders…

Plus there’s a huge Sweepstakes on VolunteerSpot’s Facebook page!
Win $500 worth of school supplies for YOUR School! Enter here


  1. I LOVE those blinged out t-shirts! We don’t get them, but that’s ok. Congrats on PTA president. I’ve done that before (for 2 years!) and it’s a wonderful job. I’m currently on the boards at both the wee ones schools (sixth year of PTO and the wee ones are in 1st and 2nd grade? Am I insane?) and volunteer so much. I love getting to know the other parents and kids in the school. I just wish more people would volunteer. So many are worried about the cliques, but that’s not it at all.

    AND THANK YOU for the tip on the sign ups. It is always such a mess. I’m passing these along to both our volunteer coordinators at the various schools – especially our carnival chair at Little Miss’s school. If it works the way I hope it does, what a perfect tool!

    1. 🙁 on not getting them.
      Thank you, I’m excited and anxious and all of those things.
      I LOVE helping out, I haven’t encountered any cliques either, although of course there are some out there, guess we’re just lucky!

      You’re soooo welcome! Volunteer Spot is AWESOME

  2. This SO doesn’t surprise me about you 🙂

    I get involved in PTA also. When Seth was in Kindergarten, I was over Teacher Appreciation at his school and LOVED IT! In 1st grade, he was in a new Charter School and they hadn’t yet formed a PTA, so I volunteered in the classroom every Wednesday. When we moved to Austin, his teacher didn’t need any more help, so I didn’t get to help at all…kind of killed me.

    I plan on getting involved in both of my kids’ classes this year. I want the Teachers and the Principal to know me and that I am involved in my kids’ education. I think the more involved parents are, the easier the job of the Teachers is.

    1. HA! Kim 😉 Doesn’t surprise me that you’re right there in the thick of it either, that’s wonderful!

      Good luck, darlin’ and AMEN. ALSO – Karen Bantuveris, who STARTEDVolunteer Spot.. lives in Austin, she is amazing. Y’all should meet. SERIOUSLY!

  3. Great post about one of my favorite topics, Rachel.

    I have been a volunteer in public schools for awhile now, first with my oldest who’s 25, and now again with my little guy. I work full time but I make time to volunteer at school because it’s so important. Last year, I taught Junior Achievement in my son’s kindergarten class, and served on the Campus Advisory Team. This year I hope to do the same at his new school (we just moved). Congratulations on being PTA president, that’s a lot of work.

  4. I am very involved with both of the girls at school. In past years I sat on the PTO (we don’t call it PTA here as I guess it costs more?!!?) board and last year I couldn’t due to scheduling conflicts. This year, however I am going to be on the board for the middle school (at least I think I am) I love being involved, I love that when I go back to the elementary school they all know who I am and I am so happy knowing that I help make a difference.

    1. YAY Heather! I know one thing every school can always use more of is amazing volunteers, especially ones with your heart, spirit and photography talent. xo

  5. Best wishes for a productive year as the PTA President. Big responsibility and I have no doubt that if anyone can increase volunteer membership/participation and make changes for the better, for all (teachers, parents and students) it is you.

  6. I truly do admire your dedication and hard work. You really seem to bring it from a sincere place. That is to be admired.

    You rock.

    I love seeing women (and men) come to the PTA from a good, sincere and honest place. (I’ve seen too many with the wrong motivation and it ruins it for all of us.) Your excitement is great!

    You’ll be an amazing president. Good luck!

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