Every day of my children’s lives I’ve told them that I love them.

I love their fearlessness and the way the jump headfirst into whatever life sends their way



I love their silliness and boundless enthusiasm and joy


I love how Princess gets lost in books and in her artwork and journaling, yet just as quickly gets lost in the game of childhood – Running in the rain, riding her bike, dancing to whatever music is on just because it speaks to her soul and when your soul says dance, you must dance.

I love how she has her own style and that she OWNS that style



I love how Monkey can tell stories for hours, I love that his imagination never stops and that he wants to share all of his dreams and thoughts and ideas with us.

I love that he is a gentleman who opens doors for everyone, how he flashes his dimples and charms the socks right off people.


I love that Monkey’s heart is bigger than Texas, that he’s sensitive and compassionate, and that he feels for others.

I love the he sees himself in others and that he’s able to put aside his own wants and share with others.

Most of all, I love how much they love each other.

purple people eater in the pumpkin patch

I love how they are each others best friend and playmate.  I love their giggles and their mischief.

Monkey Blown Away BW


I love how she ‘mothers’ him, and I love how he wants to protect her.

Watching my children together and with their friends, I know that my children are growing up knowing what it is to love and be loved.

I see in their notes to friends, drawings for Nathan and Me, and through their actions that my children are becoming compassionate, loving human beings and this makes my heart swell.

Every day of my children’s lives I’ve told them that I love them.

Nathan and I also make an effort to show them, because actions are extremely powerful and so often our children follow our example, instead of our words.

We show them our love with hugs, kisses, holding their hands, reading with them, putting down our electronics/turning our backs on our computers and looking them in the eyes when they talk to us.  I leave them notes in their lunchboxes, we surprise them by having lunch with them at school.

I make them their favorite treats and use cookie cutters to make their treats even more special.

In all the little ways, we show our kids the biggest thing we can; our love for them.

How do you show your kids that they’re loved?  How do you see them showing that love for others?


Thank you, Hallmark, for choosing me as their Valentine’s blogger for their “Life Is A Special Occasion”  program for 2013.  It’s an honor and joy to work with y’all again and to share my life with y’all every day.


  1. I love writing notes on their bathroom mirrors while they’re sleeping at night so they have a fun surprised when they wake up the next morning. 🙂

  2. My son loves to help me cook! I swear he is going to be a chef one day. Any chance I have I will bake with him or let him help with dinner. It was his friends birthday not too long ago and I asked him what he wanted to get his friend. He said “nothing, I want to bake her a cake instead” I love how he shared what he loves to do with his friends.

  3. I adore this post! I tell my kids all day long how much I am crazy in love with them. And every once in a while I say “yes” to their sugary grocery store requests 😉

  4. I loved reading this post. You can tell that you and your husband have nurtured your children and taught them the love of CHRIST!!!!

  5. What a sweet post! I tell my family, husband, and of course kids (2 and 3 months) I love them each and every day – you can never show or say it too much! I love hugging them and kissing them …and with the older one – rolling around and being goofy and laughing with him. Dancing and singing with him etc. I agree about electronics and other distractions. I try to be fully engaged when he is awake and with me! The baby too, but of course she is less aware.

    I also love exposing them to new things around the city and looking at art together.



  6. That is an awesome post and I hope you tell Nate that you love him all of the time as well as much as I do. HAHA. Also, love the pictures. Great memories I bet.

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