See that? It’s the Fantastic Friday return of little miss icing face. This is a two pronged return. Prong 1: I’m back on Top Momma
and I’m not above shameless self promotion all over the blogosphere. So please click on the provided links and help me stay on Top Momma so that more people can enjoy her darling face and stumble over to my humble little blog! πŸ™‚ Love people. It’s all about Love.
Oh and our favorite Daddy Bradley of Egel Nest fame is still up there with his adorable blue bucket on his head son, so you can click on him, too! AFTER you click on Princess πŸ™‚ LOL!
Second prong: Apparently her little face was missed by those who read my comments. So, I return to you: Princess Icing Face.

Now, I know I said I was going to haiku this friday, but who are we kidding? I’m still trying to get rid of the Pinky and The Mouth eye funk. I know, I know… at least they share. (heavy on the sarcasm)

Now, for today’s spelling lesson. We’ve all heard it. I before E, except after C or if it sounds like weird… yada yada yada.
Bet you didn’t know that applies to Believe did you? Now see… I know… but apparently we’re all spelling it incorrectly according to China and H*obby L*obby. I was there Wednesday night buying tins for the peppermint brownies and pantry cookies and I spied the cutest little Santa Picture frame. Then I saw it said: “Believe It” (or so I thought) and that is my husband and therefore the 4 year old’s favorite phrase. I was overjoyed, a darling little stocking stuffer for my husband with a cute picture of the kids! Woo Hoo! Then I looked more closely and here’s where the spelling lesson comes in. It was not “Believe it” but, “Beleive it” I pick it up, turn it over and yep. I before E, except after L… made in China! I dropped it like a hot poker (because it might be poisoned with lead paint y’know) and whipped out my trusty camera phone and snapped a picture!!
So here you have it:

Okay there you have it. Side note: Firefox spell check is all over that word Beleive it with it’s little red.. “you have spelled this wrong” line. LOL!
Yes, I have contacted HL, but no response.


  1. what a cute little frosting faced kid!
    i tried my hand at Haiku Friday…it was fun.
    funny picture frame…well, i thought so!
    have a great weekend!

  2. Hi There!

    I am clicking as fast as I can!

    But I don’t think it’s fair that you have to start OVER with your click count! You should still have the amount of clicks from the last time, and THEN be adding on!!



  3. I love the little rush that comes with finding spelling and grammatical errors. Oh, is that just me?

    Congrats on being a top momma’

  4. I love finding misspelled words like that! For some reason, maybe because we live in the sticks, I always see signs with tons of obvious spelling errors.

  5. Oh for heaven’s sake! Even if the nice people in China spelled it wrong, shouldn’t someone HERE, at some point, some HL buyer perhaps who speaks English, have caught this??? You should send it to Leno.

  6. LOL! Linda, I’m with you! But thanks for the love mom! πŸ™‚
    Jenni and Irene~ it’s not just you! Drives my poor hubby crazy!
    JJ~ LOL!
    Amy! Oh my gosh! I should! LOL! I never thought of that!!

  7. That’s really funny. Reminds me of the time my ex boyfriend, a musician, recorded a whole demo, singing Van Morrison’s Gloria and actually spelling it out as G-O-R-L-I-A during the chorus. Ya – sorry I let that guy get away!

  8. That misspelling is ALMOST as funny as Wal-Mart and their silly Cake ooops they had go nation wide.

    With your help…this will too. Oh girl…tryin' to become "Little Miss Popular" and have your time in the lime light aaahh??!! JK Too Funny!

  9. My to do list:
    * Visit Top Momma and click on frosted princess – check
    * Go back and click on blue bucket – check
    * Once again to Top Momma and see if anyone has ever clicked on my image.
    * Note to self, Believe is not spelled B-E-L-E-I-V-E (I am a horrible speller, so this is a tip I appreciate) – check
    * Make sure you tell Rachel …

    Oh yeah!

    You and your kids are adorable and I love reading your posts. Thanks for bringing back the icing princess. I loved the crowned monkey, too.
    Take care.

  10. Ah, the joys of Christmas gone wrong. I think you should keep it and see just how many visitors catch on to the little error.

  11. Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite stores, too.
    I didn’t buy it, but I might go back and get it..just for grins!
    Top Momma basically is a popularity contest.. No, actually it’s a way to drive traffic to blogs and the most interesting picture helps to drive traffic. People help you to stay on top by showing how much they love you and appreciate your blog and your writing, wit, bribes πŸ™‚ by voting for you.
    Does that explain it any? Plus, it’s just really fraking cool!

  12. I beleive I can flei, I beleive I can touch the skei… I thank China every night and dai!

    I can’t help it, that song came to mind when I read this! Bwahahaha. :”>

    I’m sorry your still not over the Pinky Princess Pink Eye stuff! πŸ™ Lame! I hope you can nip it in the bud, soon!

    I love clickin Top Momma for you! I’ve never had a Top Momma friend before, so I’m a habitual clicker now… just for you! *LoL*
    And now I’m off to send that love…
    See ya later! πŸ™‚

  13. Things that come out of China always have funny misspelled words and such. You should checked out those instruction manuals if you happened to buy Chinese electrical products. They make you laugh till your tummy aches sometimes.

  14. Hey…just wanted to say I voted for ya, hon….also, Bradley….loved the photo frame..too funny….sorry you still have the eye gunk…I truly know how you feel, hopefully it will run it’s course…

    Hey, Linda….Bradley’s Mom…where ya been?

  15. Oh Rachel, you crack me up with every entry you write! I got a giggle out of this one. πŸ˜€

    Your blog top design is so cute. And congrats on being a Top Momma yet again!

  16. Someone ate my comment? Was it the girl with the frosted face? The one I am clicking non-stop at Top Momma? Did she eat my comment?

    Dammit. It was a cute comment, too. But, not as cute as the frosted face!

  17. Mandy~ thank you!
    SAM~ LMAO. I adore you honey! Thank you!!
    DMD~ that’s hysterical!!
    Tot’s~ LOL! Thanks so much! I’ve never seen the instruction booklets for China, that’s too funny!

  18. That frame is too funny. So glad you didn’t buy it before you realized it.

    I’ll be clicking on your girl for you. I have your back. I am a rockin stalker like that. wink wink…

    oh and your comments are so sweet on my blog. You have me all blushy. I am strictly a hobbiest when it comes to photography, but maybe someday……yeah….someday. πŸ™‚

  19. LOL..made in china..that is a ahhhh yeah moment! THanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I like what you got going on here!

  20. Dontcha know that it’s just the cool new way to spell it? Kinda like Pwn3d? Those Chinese are so hip and they don’t even know it.

  21. Just wanted you to see that I mind very well. ;o) I have a similar picture that I’ll be posting soon. It’s of something I saw and had to do a double take on, too.

    Cute frosting face!

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