That’s right, purr. Give me power tools and things I can work with my hands and I’ll purr like a pretty auburn haired kitty. Then I’ll run outside and roar while I rev them up and play.
I am that chick, that woman, that girl, whichever term blows your skirt up.
I am that one, the one who got giddy when given this Dyson

Isn’t it gorgeous. When my husband came home with that, my 6 months pregnant self went crazy vacuuming and playing and cleaning. I love her. She and I have a very special relationship.

Today, I got another new toy that makes me all tingly.
I got a Black and Decker 22″ Dual Action Hedge Trimmer.
She and I have had a wonderful afternoon. She purrs beautifully while wreaking havoc on those crazy overgrown hedges out front. We had such a good time, we went to the vacant house next door, and trimmed all the hedges that grow on their walkway, then we went to the backyard and played back there. We’ve had a very lovely afternoon and I look forward to many more.
Now, I need a bigger yard so I can plant more things to mow, trim, edge and the likes.
I am woman, hear me and my power tools roar.


  1. You’re adorable and hilarious!

    I told my husband one year that I wanted a Bosch jigsaw for my birthday… hmmmm, now that I think about it – I never did get that jigsaw!

  2. I have a thing with tools myself though every time a new one enters the house I have to wait until after Hubby has either gone to work or has put it down! Dyson is on my list of things to buy when the current vac dies on me!

  3. Damn, girl. If your hubby shows up missing, we’ll check your receipts for a wood chipper! Color me impressed!

  4. I used to love my hedge trimmer. Until I very nearly cut my finger off a couple of years ago and ended up with many stitches. Now I am terrified of it.
    Have fun, careful of those fingers. πŸ˜‰

  5. You are by far the funniest, power tool wielding woman (who purrs) that I have ever met!

    This post made me smile…A LOT!!

  6. I heart my Dyson.. I begged for it for my birthday.. (another reason I am getting soo old..LOL)

    Such a fun post!!! Happy Easter girl!! πŸ™‚

  7. I lurve my Dyson. Sometimes, after a whole year honeymoon, we can still be found making out in messy corners.

  8. Hmm you want to come over to my house and trim bushes? Weed the flower bed? Mow? Vacuum? Please? πŸ™‚

  9. I have the dyson for pets. I could not imagine my life without it. Much like tivo. Or eggrolls.

  10. Right now, we live in an apartment. The house we are in the process of building will be ready at the end of the summer- I’m definitely getting me some power tools.

  11. That Dyson sucks up everything (esp. those annoying Polly Pocket shoes).
    I’d hurt someone with the hedge clippers–I am not the most coordinated mommy on the block.

  12. Okay I’m jealous of the vacuum, but not the yard tools. That’s because you haven’t seen my yard guy and this week I’m having him weed and mulch and I’m popping some popcorn baby, that man is HOT!

  13. I got my Dyson when I was pregnant too. I Love that machine.

    I have hedges that need sculpting, want to come over?

  14. I actually bought my Hubby a hedge trimmer last year for Fathers Day. Then one day while my lovely ladies were napping I decided to play with it….and it was SO. Much. FUN!!! I could take out all of my anger & frustration on my innocent little hedges. Hooray!!!

    Don’t have a Dyson. Maybe that’s what Hubby will get this year for Father’s Day!??!?

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