A couple of weeks ago I posted this Roasted Green Chilies Stew recipe.

You could say that today’s Mouthwatering Monday is a follow up to that.

This is a step by step How to Roast Peppers Mouthwatering Monday.

Roasting peppers is crazy easy and the smell in your house, y’all will not believe it.  Your house is going to smell AMAZING!!!!

these are anaheim and poblano

1.  Wash your peppers and place them on a foil lined (ignore the lack of foil) baking sheet and place them in your oven on broil for about 6 to 10 minutes (or until blistering and well roasted and blackened) per side.  (unless you’re lucky enough to have a gas stove and then you, you lucky duck.. can roast them and blister and blacken them over your awesome flame) If the weather allows, you can also roast your peppers on your outdoor grill.

2.  Remove them from the oven or flame and place them in a zip-lock bag and allow them to “sweat” for about 15 minutes

3.  Remove the peppers from the bag.

4.  Put a small slit in the skin, slide your finger under the skin and it will just peel away from the pepper.  Discard the skin and add the roasted pepper yumminess to your favorite recipe 😉

If you’re adding your recipe to Mouthwatering Monday, Thank you!  I love seeing the recipes and finding new food lovers’ blogs!! Please make sure to link your recipe URL and link back here in your post so that others can find and link their own recipes!  I love the comments on my recipes and hearing what you’d do differently for your own palate or your successes with my recipes (that makes my day!)

As always.. use the print friendly button to print the recipe with or without pics!!!


  1. This week I had the most AMAZING vegetarian roasted green chili tacos. I’d never had anything like them before. Thanks for showing how to roast the peppers, cause I’m SO figuring those tacos out.
    .-= live once juicy´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday =-.

  2. So glad you did this. I knew the oven part, but not the part about putting them in the baggie! Will make it so much easier.
    .-= Shannanb aka Mommy Bits´s last blog ..Tackling the Pantry: Auditioning for A&E’s Hoarders =-.

  3. OK, this is great! I seriously didn’t know how to roast peppers! I don’t know what I though you did, but I’m glad it’s that easy!
    I went back and read the stew recipe and it sounds amazing. Will try it soon!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..Henritta is dragging me down, man… =-.

  4. Those seriously look amazingly good! Thanks so much for sharing and also for hosting!
    .-= The Little Brown House´s last blog ..Tasty Tuesday – Chocolate Chip Cookies =-.

  5. Denver Roasted Chile locations, green chile recipes with professionally roasted green chiles perfect for your green chili party

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