Pickled cucumbers are easy to make and a perfect summer cookout side dish or snack by the pool on a hot summer day
pickled cucumbers

There are certain foods that evoke strong memories for me.
Memories of summer, laughter, family and security.

These pickled cucumbers are one of those foods.

Crisp, vinegary, tart, slightly sweet yet tangy and absolutely mouth-wateringly delicious. These cucumbers remind me of hot summers at my Granny’s house and the long days when summer seemed to stretch on forever and possibilities and imaginations were endless.

This recipe is so simple.  Just 3 ingredients.

It can be made so much more complex but my taste-buds, my memory requires only 3 simple ingredients.

This is one of my favorite summer treats.  Crisp, cool, crunchy and refreshing.

All this recipe needs are cucumbers, onions and vinegar


Pickled Cucumbers

These are a perfect summer treat, cool, crisp and tart. You can add your own twist to these with garlic, red pepper or fresh cracked pepper.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 1 – 2 large cucumbers or 3 medium
  • 1 yellow onion
  • white vinegar


  • Peel and cut the cucumbers into 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices
  • Slice the onion into 1/4 to 1/2 inch rings
  • Place the onions and cucumbers into a dish and pour enough white vinegar in to cover the cucumbers and onions.
  • Cover and leave in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. (these can last up to a week in the refrigerator, but they won’t be around long enough to test that theory)
  • Remove and serve the cucumber slices as a snack, a side dish or just something to grab on a hot day


You can dilute the vinegar with water, if you like them a bit less sour. My mom will occasionally add salt and pepper to hers, too.
Author: Rachel


Do you have a favorite food that evokes memories of summertime and childhood?
What do you fix to cool off and refresh when the heat of summer is beating down on you?
I love reading (and drooling over) y’all’s recipes! 


  1. Cherry tomatoes, raw cucumbers, sugar snap peas, and cantaloupe. All things we used to grow in my back yard when I was a kid living on Long Island. Well, not the melon but my grandma ALWAYS had some ready to go after a swim in her pool.
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Day of Birthdays =-.

      1. We had a glorious garden. Tomatoes the size of my sisters head! My parents one year made spaghetti sauce made 100% from the herbs and veggies they grew. The soil is very fertile up there.
        .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Day of Birthdays =-.

  2. Oh, these sound SO delicious! I LOVE cucumbers! And it is SO hot here in LA lately. Gotta try this recipe for sure today. Running out to shop now!


    1. I can’t wait to hear what you think! and to know if you added anything or varied the ingredients!
      Believe me, I know about hot!

  3. ANYTHING with cucumbers, totally awesome!
    .-= linney´s most recent blog ..Tips for Hiding Age Spots or what I like to call “Living Under a Rock 101″ =-.

  4. My Mom used to make something similar to this but I had no idea exactly how she did it so I’m looking forward to trying your recipe! It sounds wonderful – perfect for summer. Thanks for sharing and for hosting.

  5. We also put them on sandwiches. They’re perfect for tuna or sliced lunch meat. They were our staple side dish for supper during the summer along with cantaloupe and fresh tomatoes. YUM!

  6. My grandmother’s way is cucumbers and onions with tomatoes and vinaigrette. I also do a lot of fruit salads in the summer.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..The Baker’s Scrumptious Strawberry Cake =-.

    1. Holly, I KNOW you could do this!
      (don’t act like you aren’t a kitchen goddess… you’ve guest posted recipes for me 🙂 )


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