First, I cut out all 88 comments. 88 That even beats the Vagina Post comments. Then, we folded them up and put them into the cute little popcorn bowl.

Monkey Picks a name

Princess picks a name

Princess shows her name

And the winners are…

Stephanie, whose comment said: “Mmmmm… just butter for me please. Extra. Butter. That is all I need. Oddly enough, I’ve been talking about an apple corer lately! Maybe it’s fate? Haha!” Fate indeed!
Katy, whose comment said “The butterier the better. I need a Diet Coke with my popcorn. Orville is the best! Hey, he was from Indiana! :-)”.

Congrats y’all!! E-mail me your addresses and I’ll have your bowls of goodness in the mail to you next week!!



  1. Congrats to the winners! Happy 4th Of July to you and your family. Have fun and be safe – Kellan

  2. Congrats to both winners! What a fun giveaway. I’m going to have to think of something fun like that for my blog. You’ve inspired me!

  3. Congrats to the winners! But AHHH NUTS! I thought for sure that prize would be mine. LOL!

    Have a great day!

  4. Congrats, winners! Enjoy your popcorn.
    By the way, I tried that cracked pepper popcorn. YUM!

  5. I am super excited about this yummy basket of treats! So is my hubby – I had to show him one I won! Thanks so much to Princess for pulling my name!! 🙂

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