I am so honored!

Today, I was named One of Babble’s Top 100 Mom Blogs


#58 out of 100 out of who knows how many????

I am so so honored!  LOOK!

And they said the nicest things about me, too!  I <3 Babble 🙂

Seriously, thank y’all so much!

Y’all should go check out the whole list, I am among some amazing company.

Excuse me while I go call my husband and squeal and walk around grinning like a fool for the rest of the day.


  1. Congratulations Rachel. This is just lovely and I can imagine how excited you are and how proud your husband was when you called him. Very well deserved recognition. I love what they wrote in your bio and that they listed your favourite, most personal, etc. Big Hugs 🙂

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