I love spices and I love making my own seasoning mixes.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the beginning of my blogging days I shared my Simple Seasoning mix with y’all.

With the recent weight loss that Nathan and I’ve experience 35 pounds and 23 pounds we’ve been doing much, much more cooking at home and relying on homemade seasoning mixes (with the exception of my favoritest seasoning mix from Zatarains)and I realized it was time to share that spice mix again, since we’ve made a much reduced salt version of it.

seasoning in molcajete
Isn’t my molcajete pretty! 

Even if I’m not grinding fresh herbs and spices I like to mix my seasoning blends in my molcajete to help season it.

WHAT is a molcajete, you ask?  Stay tuned, the what’s and how-to’s of a molcajete will come later this week.

On to the homemade meat seasoning!

Blend – Salt, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Smoked Paprika, Cayenne, White Pepper, Black Pepper, Cinnamon and Cumin

homemade meat seasoning

The amount of cayenne that I list is what works for us, if your family isn’t full of native Texans or you are worried about the spice factor – start small, it’s much easier to add than take away.

homemade seasoning

Simple Homemade Meat Seasoning

Print Recipe


  • 1/4 Cup plus 3 Tbsp Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Onion Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1/4 Cup Coarsely Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 Tbsp White Pepper
  • 3/4 tsp Cumin
  • 1 tsp Cayenne


  • 1 dash Cinnamon


  • Add all ingredients to your molcajete (or spcie grinder) and blend thoroughly.
    Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool dry place


  1. Those spices look amazing! I shared my GF DF pizza crust and a video for making GF crepes as well as an article about the important research by the Rodale Institute comparing organic and conventional ag.

  2. Thank you for hosting! This week I have shared the following seasonal farm-to-table recipes that promote the benefits of good health through nutrition from eating fresh unprocessed seasonal produce:

    raw breakfast six ways

    bioneers salad

    mung bean & pea shoot salad

    basil, turnip & quinoa salad

    Happy cooking!
    The Intentional Minimalist

  3. I just love your spice mix, I will give it a try. I am sharing my Curried Chicken Salad today. Thanks for hosting and hope you are having a great day!
    Miz Helen

  4. Wow, awesome & congrats on the weight loss! I like to make my own seasonings too. I find I don’t need nearly as much salt as commercial products. I’ve linked up a healthy(ier) cookie dip!

  5. Hi Rachel. Congrats on your weight loss.That is really great. I love the spice mix you shared. SO often the spice mixes have way to much salt. This one sounds perfect. I wanted to share this simple no bake dessert that is made with only whole food sweeteners. I hope you enjoy.

  6. Your spice mix looks great! I love that you have used smoked paprika. I am definitely a seasoning and spice lover. But I can’t believe I don’t have a molcajete! I thought I had every kitchen gadget there was! I’ll have to put that on my Christmas list! Thanks for hosting. Sharing my Slow Cooker Tex-Mex Chicken and Beans.

  7. Great looking home-made seasoning recipe. No Texans living here so I may just half the cayenne to start but I will try it. Thanks for posting the revised recipe and congratulations on the weight loss. That is awesome!

  8. I look forward to giving this recipe a try. The flavor profile is intriguing especially adding the cinnamon. Thanks so much for hosting once more!!

  9. Yay to you for the weight loss (you were trying to lose? I never knew – you’re gorgeous!) I love spice rubs but can’t use many because Mister Man has an overly sensitive palate and hates spice. Boo. That said, I looooooove your mortar and pestle that has a much fancier name than mine does. And yours is prettier, too. 🙂

  10. There’s a recipe I want to make calling for meat seasoning. Idk what that is so I looked it up and saw your recipe. TFS this gem sweetie. I will post my results

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