It’s no secret that guacamole is one of my favorite foods.Β  I’m constantly checking in at Mexican restaurants, tweeting and instagramming with the #guactribe hashtag, and devouring guacamole by the bowl-ful.

Some of my favorite memories, biggest belly laughs, deepest soul baring conversations, and silliest moments have happened over a dish of guacamole.

So when an absolute wealth of cocktail tomatoes aka T’Mates and a case of ripe California Avocados showed up on my doorstep, I had no choice but to succumb to my guacamole loving soul and start chopping, dicing, mashing, and devouring.

Really, y’all… what’s a girl to do other than create the most delicious guacamole recipe she’s ever eaten?Β  One that she can’t stop eating, one that she has to parcel up and hand out to friends and neighbors to keep her from eating.

I had no choice, y’all.

best ever guacamole recipe | A Southern Fairytale

I read about a trick for making guac in my Molcajete that is supposed to make it even more delicious,Β  to create a guacamole with deeper flavors, richer, creamier, more guac-tastic…

I whipped out my molcajete, rinsed off the dust, and got to guac-making.

Instead of just chopping the garlic and cilantro and adding them as is to my guacamole, I chopped the cilantro and then put it into my molcajete and using the stone pestle, I massaged it into the mortar.Β  My kitchen wasΒ  instantly flooded with the crisp, sharp, fresh aroma of cilantro – when I looked down – my mortar was covered with cilantro juice and leaves. I added in the minced garlic, repeated the pestle massage, and was once again rewarded with the scent of fresh herbs.

homemade guacamole | A Southern Fairytale

I added the onions, limes, avocados, jalapenos, tomatoes, and salt as always – but there’s something different about this guacamole.Β  It’s just… better.Β  Deeper flavor, stronger aroma, creamier… This is a problem, y’all.Β  I cannot stop eating this guacamole.Β  I’ve made it three times.Β  I’m eating it off a spoon, on toast, on bread, on crackers, with chips…

I feel very Dr. Seuss-like:Β  I would eat it with a fox, I would eat it with lox, I would eat it with a spoon, I would eat it on the moon….

I had a really hard time photographing this guacamole, because I couldn’t stop eating it.

molcajete guacamole | A Southern Fairytale

I took the leftovers (yes, there were leftovers because I TRIPLED the recipe in order to have enough to photograph) and turned them into the most sinfully delectable, refreshing, BLT twisted guacamole sandwich ever.Β  I had one for breakfast, lunch, and snack at least twice the past two days.Β  I might have a problem, a really, really yummy problem.

That recipe is coming soon, so make sure you’re subscribed and connected!


Simple Guacamole at Home

Simply the most delicious homemade guacamole recipe.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Total Time:5 minutes


  • 2 Tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • 1 Clove minced garlic
  • 1/4 chopped Small Yellow Onion 2 Tablespoons to 1/4 C
  • 1 medium jalapeno seeded and chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 Tablespoons 2 limes lime juice
  • 3 ripe California Avocados
  • 3 T'mates cocktail tomatoes diced (plus more for garnish, if desired)
  • *cilantro for garnish


  • Prep all the ingredients, except the avocados, and set aside.
  • Put the cilantro in the molcajete and crush until the juices, and aroma are released.
  • Add the garlic, and continue to crush.
  • Add in the jalapeno, salt, lime juice, onion and avocados: mash until it reaches your desired consistency.
  • Gently fold in the t'mates.
  • Top with more cilantro and t'mates for garnish
  • Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate
Author: Rachel

Ultimate B.G.T – The Ultimate Bacon Guacamole Tomato Sandwich aka my favorite sandwich ever

toasted bacon and guacamole sandwich with sliced del campo t'mates


  1. I want a ‘pestle massage’ pretty please!!!!! I love guacamole but I haven’t always been blessed by the guac gods. I would not have touched an avocado ten years ago, but, bless my heart, the Good Lord blessed my life with friends who have a rich palette and a great guac recipe they made for dinner one night. I took the tiniest bite, then wanted to lick the bowl. SOOOOOOO GOOD. Now, I always have avocadoes on hand when the guac hunger strikes! I can’t wait for Kamden to try avocado for the first time, I hope he enjoys a variety of foods like me instead of being a picky eater like his Daddy!

    1. Nicole, you made me laugh out loud!! I seriously need someone to come and take this guac away from me! My husband is slowly coming over to the side of avocados, but he’s already firmly in camp guacamole – it only took about 15 years πŸ˜‰

      Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment!

    2. Nicole,
      The first and only solid food my thirdborn would eat was avocado! A girl after her mother’s heart! πŸ™‚ I tried every single food and finally avocado was the only thing she would eat for seriously 2-3 weeks that’s all she wanted and that’s all I gave her! πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Rachel,

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  3. YUM. My rear is lucky I don’t have avocado and tomato companies sending me samples…cuz it would be OUT. OF. CONTROL. I will have to try this recipe though!

    1. HA! Colleen – I share with my neighbors, A LOT! <3 Please come back and let me know if you try it! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

  4. My favorite guacamole recipe has the salt, garlic, cilantro ground with the pestle and lime to “wash” it out . You’re right; you would not think the taste would change so drastically but boy does it ever!! Would love to share a big ol bowl right now πŸ˜‰

  5. Um I am glad there are no avocados in my kitchen right now or I’d be marching right in there to make guac at 10 pm! Who am I kidding, I wish there were some in there. #notaboveguacat10pm

  6. We just brought home a ton of avocados from a friend’s tree in California. Using this recipe tonight!

  7. I love homemade guacamole! My family likes putting it on hamburgers instead of mayo. I found a little trick. I can’t stand leftovers that turn dark. I started squeezing a little lemon juice over the cut avocado and it keeps it a nice, bright green color longer, even the next day. It also nicely compliments the lime in the recipe.

  8. Hi Rachel-

    I notice you use yellow onion in this guacamole recipe. We always use white. Any reason you chose yellow?

    1. Hi Dave,

      I am not a fan of the sweetness of the white onion, I prefer the yellow onions. You could absolutely use white onion, if that’s your preference.

      Let me know if you try both πŸ™‚ Have a great week!


  9. Actually, there’s a better guac that you can make, one that I’ve been sworn not to tell. It was given to me by all the Mexican men I work with in my Produce Department. These guys have come from all over Mexico, and their guac is, by far, the truest, most authentic and tastiest guac I’ve ever had — EVER! And I’ve had a lot of guac in my life. And they even have a chip they prefer to eat with their guac, a chip that they all seem to consider the one and only chip that best reminds them of home. They say the taste is not found souly in the ingredients, but in the love you put into making it!

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