This is the easiest and most basic chili recipe. It could almost be called Chili for the not so much kitchen goddess 🙂

~ 2 lbs ground sirloin (yes, sirloin. You can use ground round but use lean)
~ 3 (14.5 oz) cans of chili style tomatoes
~ 1 (32 oz) can of tomato sauce
~ 5 Tbsp chili powder
~ 1 Tbsp cumin
~ dash salt
~ 4 cloves of garlic, chopped
~ 1/2 of an onion, chopped (optional)
~ couple of dashes of red pepper flakes
~ 1 bag of those little vine ripened tomatoes, quartered or halved

Brown the meat with a few dashes of cumin, chili powder and red pepper
Saute the onion and garlic in about 1 Tbsp olive oil until the onions are translucent.
Drain any fat from the meat
Combine all ingredients into your pot.
Bring to a boil for 10 minutes, stirring frequently
Turn down to a low simmer and leave for 6+ hours. (Like any stew or sauce… this gets better the longer it simmers) stirring occasionally.
After 4 hours it’s okay to taste and then adjust seasonings to your palate. If you like it spicy: add some cayenne pepper, red pepper and more chili powder. You can even add dried, chopped chili peppers.
Add more garlic or cumin. This is one of those take and run with it recipes.
I LOVE spicy chili but this is my basic (don’t know the guest’s palate well) recipes. It pleases all palates and is fabulous the following ways.
~ Frito Pie
~ topped with cheese and onions
~ served over crumbled cornbread and topped with cheese.
There are tons of different ways to serve this. (but we don’t serve it over noodles here) 😉
(you can add kidney beans, but Chili is the official dish of Texas and officially there damn well not better be beans in there) LOL.

Here’s an unadorned picture of what your finished product will look like.
Is your mouth watering yet?

I have some way more involved Chili recipes. I’ll post one another day.


Homemade Chili

Homemade Chili Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale
Print Recipe


  • 2 lbs ground sirloin yes, sirloin. You can use ground round but use lean
  • 3 14.5 oz cans of chili style tomatoes
  • 1 32 oz can of tomato sauce
  • 5 Tbsp chili powder
  • 1 Tbsp cumin
  • dash salt
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 of an onion chopped (optional)
  • couple of dashes of red pepper flakes
  • 1 bag of those little vine ripened tomatoes quartered or halved


  • Brown the meat with a few dashes of cumin, chili powder and red pepper
  • Saute the onion and garlic in about 1 Tbsp olive oil until the onions are translucent.
  • Drain any fat from the meat
  • Combine all ingredients into your pot.
  • Bring to a boil for 10 minutes, stirring frequently
  • Turn down to a low simmer and leave for 6+ hours. (Like any stew or sauce… this gets better the longer it simmers) stirring occasionally.
  • After 4 hours it’s okay to taste and then adjust seasonings to your palate. If you like it spicy: add some cayenne pepper, red pepper and more chili powder. You can even add dried, chopped chili peppers.
  • Add more garlic or cumin. This is one of those take and run with it recipes.


I LOVE spicy chili but this is my basic (don’t know the guest’s palate well) recipes. It pleases all palates and is fabulous the following ways.
~ Frito Pie
~ topped with cheese and onions
~ served over crumbled cornbread and topped with cheese.
There are tons of different ways to serve this. (but we don’t serve it over noodles here) 😉
(you can add kidney beans, but Chili is the official dish of Texas and officially there damn well not better be beans in there) LOL.
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale


  1. I love chili! My recipe changes everytime I make it. A little of this – a little of that!

    But my secret is a little cocoa powder – unsweetened – gives it a deep smokey thing.

  2. Rach!! Yummy!
    I love your recipes. Andy, Alex's Godfather, still talks about the cherry chocolate cake recipe you gave me. I made it for his b-day and that was back in Sept

  3. Cool andreanna! Thanks for the tip. I’m always out for something new.
    I usually add to my more complicated one: about 2 or 3 roasted chipotle peppers. Gives it a fabulous flavor!
    Thanks for dropping in!

  4. I did a recipe contest in October, and the winner was Mexican Chili.

    Good lord, it blew my mind. it’s somewhere in my saturday suppers links, if you’re interested.

  5. No beans, huh?
    I didn’t know that. That’s fine by me because I am a meat-etarian.
    I will have to pass this on to my chef, um I mean husband.

  6. Sounds delicious! I love chili in the fall and winter.

    I have a great Tex Mex chili recipe, but it has beans. Let me know if you want it, though. 😉

  7. This is how I like my chili. My bride and kids hate the texture of anything that faintly resembles a vegetable, so I have to blend everything and compensate with spices. =^(

  8. I’m looking for a few (okay, more than a few) GREAT recipes for Super Bowl parties; I thought food blogs might be a good place to see those out. If you have any interest in linking a previous recipe that might fit that bill, I’d love to read it :).

    If you’re interested, please click here for the details.

    (Found your blog through the Best Food nominations for the Bloggies 🙂 )

  9. AndreAnna I love the idea of adding cocoa powder. My first reaction was eeww I’m not gonna lie but started to imagine in my mind the taste and find it interesting to try and I think I will ad some corn at the last 20 minutes of cooking the chili.

    I’ll see how that turns out.
    .-= Sherley´s most recent blog ..izearanks =-.

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