Jalapeno Cornbread Pudding, Fresh Green Beans with Country Ham and Onions,  Broccoli Cheese Casserole,

Sweet Potatoes, 24 Hour Salad, Beaten Biscuits, Country Ham

Hey y’all.  I actually don’t have a Mouthwatering Monday recipe for y’all today.  It’s been a wonderful but crazy holiday around these parts!  The Monkey has a rampant and ugly case of pink-eye that is topped off with a brutally vicious cough (oh joy)

We’re hitting the road today for our 4.5 hour car ride home.

I would looooove for y’all to link up or leave in the comments your favorite Holiday recipes, Favorite Holiday Food, Favorite Holiday Memory.. etc.

It looks as if I’ll be stuck at home for a few days upon returning, so… great reading material would be much appreciated!


  1. Happy holidays to all!! I know how you feel the holiidays have been crazy. After all that holiday food I just want sit back and eat a slab of BBQ ribs. That might sound silly but im tired of holiday food!!
    .-= Cynthia´s last blog ..BANANA MOUSSE PUDDING =-.

  2. Ack! I totally want to do this next week!
    Your holiday spread looks lovely and delicious.

    Hope you all have a safe ride home and that your little Monkey feels better soon!

  3. I don’t like jalapeños, or anything even remotely spicy, but I’m seriously thinking about making that corn pudding for something next year because it’s just too flipping CUTE.

Talk to me!

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