I was trying to create a pretty slideshow for y’all filled with some of the highlights from the past two years worth of Handmade Holidays Posts.
There are SO many yummy treats!

Like these gorgeous Christmas Light Cookies from Bridget


and these Homemade Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows from Katie

and these delicious Sugar and Spice Candied Nuts by Karly

sugar and spice nuts1


and these Homemade Peanut Butter Cups by Liz

Just to give y’all a few ideas of some delicious things that y’all can make and share for the holidays, however, I’m apparently not savvy enough to figure out the plug-in.  Sorry!

You can find more ideas on my Recipe Page under Desserts, though!  And trust me when I tell you, those ladies have more major deliciousness on their blogs, too!

What are your favorite treats to make and give?  I’d love the hear about them!

Thanks for linking up with Mouthwatering Mondays.  Y’all’s recipes are always delicious and inspiring!

Don’t forget to leave a comment saying Hi – your favorite recipe or just whatever pops into your head!

Visit at least 3 other participants, you won’t be sorry 🙂

And link back here in your post so that others can join in on the fun!


    1. Bridget is one of the most talented cookie bakers/decorators that I’ve ever met. Her blog is amazing. I can’t wait to get her cookbook so I can sit and drool! 🙂

  1. Mmmm yum. I could so go for that right about now. I’m exhausted, which is when I really could go with the sugar. I can’t decide between the marshmallows or the adorable lightbulbs. I sense a sugar coma coming on.

  2. Just wanted to say HI and that I’ve hopped on to your mouthwatering blog hop! I added my mouthwatering Triple Cranberry Sauce. Thanks for hosting this hop! I’ll be back. Happy Holidays!

  3. I love holidays that are focused around food, and how fun that the food also LOOKS so beautiful. Mine… not so much. I’m still focusing on the taste and not looks. Looks will come someday 😉

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