It’s that time of year.

The time when you say to yourself– “holy hail, I have 4 days to come up with an amazing gift for my kids’ teacher/principal/daycare provider/nanny/ etc…”

Let me help you.  Each of these handmade holiday treats is delicious, lovely, impressive and simple to make.

  • These Oreo Truffles, hands down the most delicious and popular thing that I made/gave out last year (10 batches — to be exact)

oreo truffles

  • Gorgeous, rich, delicious Cinnamon Honey Butter by Tidy Mom  ( You will never go back to regular butter again, trust me)

A few delicious and easy homemade Christmas Gifts straight from your kitchen to their hearts.

This is a special Mouthwatering Mondays holiday edition! Are y’all makin’ something special for your friends and family? I’d love to see what y’all are making and giving to those you love. Please make sure y’all share the tonguegasmic love! Link up your recipe, Comment, Link back in your post, Visit others (you’ll thank me)

psssst… come back later.. rumor has it that an iPad giveaway may appear


  1. Your Oreo Truffles look wonderful as does Katie’s homemade chocolate dipped marshmallows. Wow! Cheryl’s Cinnamon Honey Butter has to go on the *to make for gifts* list for sure and Liz’s peanut butter cups…no one is going to re-gift those!

  2. Might have to look into the peanut butter cups.

    I actually looked at the homemade marshmallows last week. But, without a stand-mixer, I’m quite certain those won’t happen.

    And, yes the truffles are delicious. I did have a problem with the peppermint getting sort of humid and sticky. Any solutions?

    1. hmmmmmm perhaps wait until right before you’re going to gift/serve them and melt a little bit of chocolate and just lightly dip the tops in and then dip them into the crushed candy canes/peppermints.

  3. Hey sweets, I am in the middle of doing my holiday baking and I really wanted to make traditional pastry this year so I went ahead and learned how to render my own lard! It was so simple in the crock pot! All the best for your holiday preparations! Alex

  4. Could there be anything better than giving out homemade treats during the holidays? Oh yeah, recieving them! Those Oreo truffles look delicious!

  5. Hi! I just found your blog today!
    I linked to my recipe for Cappuccino Thins Cookies. The recipe is gluten free, but it can be converted back to “regular” flour if you don’t have an issue with gluten.
    Thanks for hosting!

  6. I’m laying on my bed, right now, stressing over this very issue; what to make for my son’s teachers and the school’s support staff. Thanks for these ideas!

Talk to me!

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