I remember the first time our hands met, moments after you were born.

Your tiny fingers wrapped around my finger and squeezed so hard that it took my breath away. 

Every day your hands change, they grow, they become stronger, more capable, and every day I want to hold your hands in mine.  I want to thread my fingers through yours and marvel at the possibilities, the potential

Every day that you want to hold my hand, is a gift.

holding hands

Tonight, my heart skipped a beat, when you sat next to me, leaned your head against my shoulder, and threaded your fingers through mine.

I fear that someday, when I reach out to you, you will turn and pretend you don’t see me reaching out.

I cherish the moments you reach for me.  I write them on my heart, I treasure them

 Our hands tell so many stories, and yours are my favorite.

Title inspired by one of my Favorite Beatles Songs “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”



  1. I adore this! I held hands with my mom even as a teen so, I send you those vibes that she will always want to hold your hand!

  2. This is so sweet Rachel and brought so much happiness into my heart. Your daughter is a beautiful person and she gets that from her mom. They say “momma’s boys” and “daddy’s girls”, but there is always a bond between mother and daughter that can’t be broken.

  3. This reminds me of words of wisdom that I heard in a movie, the title of which I can’t remember. It goes something almost like this : “A son is a son till he gets a wife; A daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life.”

  4. Wow – that was really quite moving and tugged at the heartstrings. Even felt my butterflies mid-way through! Katie@ lrb

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