In case you need a grin today – Here’s Monkey’s little Hip Hop performance from his school’s Holiday Extravaganza this past weekend.

(He’s the one in blue and grey – my husband was the cameraman)

Peace Out, Yo!

Hip Hop Pose


  1. Oh how precious! This is the second video I’ve seen today of fellow blogger’s young son’s with better moves than I can ever hope to have! Bravo for your little Monkey. He was fantastic. How I miss those days when my kids had their school performances 🙂

  2. Yea.. Yea…. On da stage is my boy “Monkey” comming at ya wit da funkness! This fools making moves and wreckin shop. Look out Usher, here comes the Monkman. Keep it real dog & stay hard!!

    Uncle Tim

  3. What a great performance. Your son did Great !~! Love the joy he expresses throughout the entire show… Good for you for raising such a self-actualized little guy.

  4. That is way cute. Reminds me of my precious daughter when she was that age. She went on to graduate from UGA with a degree in Dance Education. Sadly, for her daddy, she now lives in Los Angeles where she is a dance performer and teacher. I Mention her in my story about the tradition of family BBQ sauce recipes in the South here:

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