

It’s my favorite number.

I once thought I wanted to name my daughter, Seven.  (I was 12)

Tonight, as I kissed you goodnight  I said: “Goodnight Six”

The look you gave me–good grief child, you’re so me.

Snow White

I’d like you to stop now, please.

princess cruise portrait

Happy Birthday, Princess.

You scare me.

You make me proud.

You make me happy.

You make me scream.

You make me want to be a better person.


pop laughter

You made me A Mama.

Happy Birthday, to you.

nov 18 2003


  1. She is beautiful! Looks like she is full of spunk. Love the photo of her by the water. Happy Birthday to your mini you 🙂

  2. Every 7-year-old princess needs a tiara! Rachel your daughter is beautiful! I love the cruise shot, those blue eyes are amazing. I hope Princess has a wonderful birthday, and an happy daughter day to you too.

  3. Rachel… she is absolutely gorgeous. Your photos… I can just feel the love and energy bursting from every one. Happy Birthday to your “big” girl!! xoxo

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