Hey y’all.

I’m back from the land of the horribly ill.

Being that I was so sick last week, I haven’t made a meal in my house in a week.   Tonight will be the first night that I’ll have prepared a meal in more than a week.

Since I don’t have a recipe today, I thought I’d share the link to the round up from last Tuesday’s Healthier Meal Makeover Class as well as a few of the recipe links that some of the ladies shared.

There are tons of other recipe links and great tips on there — hope y’all check them out!

Thanks for linking up — I’ll have something fresh and tasty for y’all next Monday, promise!

  • link your recipe url
  • leave a comment
  • link back here in your post
  • visit at least 3 other participants, you’ll be glad that you did 😉



my participation in the cooking connections class was compensated


  1. So glad you are feeling better and thanks for keeping mouthwatering mondays going!!! Thanks for hosting even though you have been under the weather!
    I added my Perfect Choco Chip Cookie from Sprinkles of Flavor this week!

  2. I’m so sorry you have been ill! Glad that you are feeling better, and thank you so much for hosting!

  3. I’m so glad that you are feeling better! With all of the crazy weather everyone has been having it’s hard to stay healthy!
    This week I am sharing my recipe for Banana Walnut Cookies. They have cinnamon chips in them which takes the flavor over the top! This recipe is a great use for old bananas.
    Thanks for hosting!

  4. Mom’s aren’t allowed to be sick! Glad you are better!! Ok–this hummus recipe is calling my name. Like, I could literally bathe in it. YUM! Thanks for hosting!

  5. I’d try one of the recipes from the linky – but there really is only one foody that I really really trust – I’ll wait till you are back on your feet and cook whatever you tell me.

    No disrespect meant to other foodies – I’m just really non-foody and – well – just sayin.

    God Bless you and all of yours Rachel.

  6. I’m glad to read that you’re feeling better!!

    I linked up a post explaining why I use TVP as a replacement for ground beef to save money and to reduce fat & cholesterol in our diet.

  7. So glad you are feeling better! I had the flu a couple weeks ago…it took me out!! I slept for 2 days….which should have been hard with 3 kids in the house, but that’s how out of it I was. Thankfully my oldest is almost 12 so she took care of her siblings…such a BLESSING!!

    This is my first time participating in Mouthwatering Monday! Thanks for hosting!! I can’t wait to visit some of these delicious recipes!!

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  8. Just found your blog! Can’t wait to explore all the recipes. I linked up to the linky party. Thanks for hosting. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better.

  9. Hey Ray! So glad you are feeling better. Sick is always so yucky and you still have to be momma! I am linking up a lovely recipe from my childhood that is one of my ultimate comfort foods, its savory english minced meat. All the best on the road to recovery! Alex

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