November 18, 2003

6:18 PM  19 1/2″ and 7lbs 15 oz

nov 18 2003

November 18, 2004

nov 18 2004

November 18, 2005

nov 18 2005

November 18, 2006

nov 18 2006

November 18, 2007

nov 18 2007

November 18, 2008

november 18 2008

Today, November 18, 2009

nov 18 2009

Dear Princess,

Happy Birthday!  Happy SIXTH birthday.  This morning as I was making your cinnamon rolls and bacon, a realization struck.  Today, you will have to use TWO hands to show your age.  I don’t know why.. but that struck me to my core and actually made my knees go a bit weak.  nov 18, 2009  SIX

You’re no longer a one hand age.. it now takes two hands for you to proudly show off your age.  For you, it is so exciting, for me… it is exciting and yet it leaves me a bit wistful for those brief moments when I held  your small head in the crook of my arm as you nestled and nuzzled and nursed.  Me, the center of your universe.  And yet, looking at you now, watching you… I wouldn’t go back.

Looking at those pictures up there, it’s almost impossible to believe that it’s been 6 years since you shot your way into this world.  You were here, the world could start turning now. You are a whirlwind and a constant joy.  You turned our lives upside down and it was the best thing that could have happened to us.

You are so smart and so well spoken, I often forget that you’re just now 6.  You amaze me on a daily basis.  You read books to your little brother at bed-time, you rejoice in writing love notes and leaving them around the house for us to find or taking them to school to give to your friends.  Your mind is constantly racing, absorbing, tumbling new things around until they fit into the world you understand, while at the same time,  ever expanding to allow new ideas to subtly change you, grow your world.  I’m in awe of you.

You are such a treasure. From your loving heart, your bubbling laughter, your strange sense of humor, your compassion and your sparkling personality… you are everything I could ever have asked for in a daughter, and more.

I am blessed to be your mother, the one chosen to teach you, guide you, love you and cherish you.

There will be times that I will yell at you, there will be times when we won’t like each other very much, there will be times we both say things we don’t mean, but there will never be a time that you are not loved, a time you are not cherished, a time where I am anything but thankful for you.

I have always known and understood love, your Daddy showed me a different kind of love but you, you my precious angel girl, you have taught me a love like no other.
You are borne of my body, my heart, my soul and my mind and you opened up a place in me that I didn’t know even existed.

You are smart, funny, strong, beautiful, compassionate, silly, confident, loving, temperamental, friendly, energetic, inquisitive, vibrant, frustrating, head strong, lively, independent, fearless and amazing.

I pray that at 16, 26, 36, 66, 96 .. you retain all of these qualities.

I will do my best to stand back and allow you to live, fall, experience, fail and triumph. I will try to never stand in your way, to allow you to stumble and fall because the biggest disservice I can do you would be to never let you fail.   That being said, I promise that I will always and forever be there to pick you back up, kiss away the tears, whisper I love you and nudge you back towards the right path.

You are my firstborn.

My only daughter.

My always and forever, Princess Stinkerbelle.

I love you more than words.

Happy Birthday, my amazing daughter.

I love you.



  1. TWO HANDS!?! Too cute!
    (and that was majorly cheesy)

    Happy Birthday!!!
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..Aiming to a Higher Power for Anissa =-.

  2. Your letter to her made me well up. Happy sixth birthday to your princess.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Green Arrow =-.

  3. Holy smokes! 6?!?! You lie! lol I can’t believe she’s 6 already….Happy birthday Princess!!
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..Aubry [cake smash] =-.

  4. That pasgetti face is priceless.

    Happy Birthday Princess!
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: A dog’s life =-.

  5. I never really thought of that two-hand thing. Now I am all choked up thinking about it. Glad I have until April before my first born reaches six. Happy birthday to your princess.

  6. Happy Birthday beautiful Princess!!!

    Wow, the two handed thing seriously got me in tears Rach. I never even thought of it that way. Your daughter is SO lucky that she has such an amazing role model to look up to in her beautiful mama.
    .-= Miss´s last blog ..3 Years Ago =-.

  7. Oh, my gosh! There is that line on her face you were telling us about during #wildside. Your poor baby girl! Well, she looks none the worse for wear. In fact, she’s gorgeous just like her mom. I hope she had a wonderful birthday!
    .-= Colleen Pence´s last blog ..Welcome, Brain, Child Readers! =-.

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