Happy Daddy’s Day to my Daddy, the first man in my life and the one against whom all boys were measured.

You taught me about laughter and love and owning up to your mistakes.  Thank you, I love you.

dad and me

Happy Daddy’s day to my best friend, the love of my life and the father of our children.

You are the most amazing Dad to our two crazy children and your love for them and patience with them touches my heart and inspires me daily.

I love you more than words.

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  1. By far the greatest satisfaction I have in life is to watch my children as they move into adulthood ( I can’t wait to get there myself). You make me very proud and to think that I have in someways helped you become the wonderful person that you are amazes me. All That I know about being a father I learned from Dee, whom I thank daily.

  2. You are so lucky to have such an amazing dad in your life (and your kiddos)…so very lucky!

    PS You might want to check your feed from me…you might need to re follow..it’s acting funny!

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