We’re in heaven.

Miles and Miles and Miles of Ocean surrounding us.

Waters bluer than I’ve ever seen before.

Surrounded by the sounds of laughter and joy and fun and peace.

I have so many pictures and stories to tell and share, but the internet connection can’t compete with the call of the sea and the sound of the DJ on the Lido Deck and the image of my husband and me swaying on a deck above the ocean.

So for now…. you’ll have to click this link… 🙂

I can’t upload pictures to WP and this pic took 30 minutes just to get on flickr.

I have soo much to share!!!!!!!!!



  1. Yay! I was thinking about you earlier, wondering just HOW MUCH FUN you were having. 🙂

  2. I got worried when you said there was only one bed for the four of you (of course you found the pull-down kids’ beds afterward). This is more like it!

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