Today, is my birthday and I’m 32 years old!
Today, I’m on a beach getting a sand pedicure and camping with my family and one of my closest friends.
Today, I’m honored to share with y’all a post from my Daddy, his very first ever.
Today, I’m not ashamed to tell y’all that I cried when I read this.
Happy Birthday, to me.
Happy Birth Day to my Mama.
I love y’all!
Take it away Dad, (aka: The Grand Old Banjoist)

Monday, 8/7/1978, Tuesday, 11/18/2003, Monday, 11/6/1950, Thursday, 8/20/1914,
Saturday, 4/18/1920, Monday, 2/5/1931

This is not a quiz; these are not dates you have to learn in World or US History. They are very important dates because they are the birth dates of the amazing women of my life.
My Mother – Mary Lou, who taught me story telling requires knowledge of the history of at least three generations of the people involved. (Southern insider humor)
My Step Mom – Fannie, who came into my life after my mother died and gave my father an additional dozen or so years of happiness and life. (thank you is simply inadequate)
My Mother-in-law, Mary Cecil, who has adopted me, loved me, helped me and most of all allowed me to marry her daughter. (I pray for your peace every night)
My Wife – Becky, the greatest gift I have ever been given and I look forward each day to see her new found enthusiasm.
My Granddaughter – Pretty Princess in Pink, who shows me every day that boundless Love, Joy and Happiness, exists in this world if we only look through the eyes of a child who is loved.
And finally, the real subject of this posting,
My Daughter- Rachel. Happy Birthday! Β  While you may be 32 years old, my mind and heart still sees you as 5 minutes old, then 5, 10, 16, and 22 years old. I get to see glimpses of you whenever I see Princess.Β  I now understand why grandparents so love their grandchildren.Β  I get to spend time with a reflection of my daughter but this time without any hang-ups of being β€œTHE FATHER”.Β  I am so very proud of all that you have accomplished and all you take on. Β  Most of all my heart is filled with joy that you have chosen to spend this far too short a time staying home with your children.Β  As Dee said many times, you will have plenty of time to keep a straight house and an immaculate lawn AFTER they are grown. Β  Thank you for seeing the wisdom in his story. Β  I look forward to watching the day to day story of my daughter’s life.
I Love you, I am very proud of the woman that you are and I am grateful that Nate came along.Β  If he hadn’t I would probably have had to shoot several guys who didn’t measure up.Β  Even here in the south that might have gotten me in trouble.
You certainly hold your own as a member of the amazing women in my life and I am much better for it.

dad and me


  1. Dear Rachel’s Dad:

    Your daughter is one of the most amazing people I know. She’s strong, she’s talented and her heart is big. She’s a good friend and a phenomenal person. In short: y’all done good.

    And Rachel? Happy birthday sweetface. I love you.

  2. Thank you for sharing & happy birthday. I love all of the blogs that I follow & this post reminds me the “why” of it all. You are so blessed to have a father who can put his heart into words. It was amazing. Please tell him “thank you”. πŸ™‚

    1. Rebecca, Hi!
      Thank you!!
      Yes, my Dad is pretty spectacular. I guarantee that he read this comment himself and even if He didn’t respond to it, I know that his heart, like mine, glows a bit brighter at it.
      I am truly blessed.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! This post was really beautiful. (Like really really really beautiful).

  4. Rachel’s Dad,

    You have one of the most beautiful daughters in all the world. Her heart is as big as the ocean and her smile lights up a room. She is thoughtful, caring, and full of joy. Every moment spent with her is treasured. As I can see, you know these things, but I just thought you should know, a lot of other people see them too. You done good!

    Rachel, ((HUGS)) I hope your birthday is extra special and that the sand between your toes is warm, and the sound of children playing blows away all the cares and worries of the past few weeks. May you come home refreshed. πŸ™‚

  5. What a lovely idea for a birthday post and what an amazing and loving father you have. Just as he has stated how proud he is of the wonderful women in his life, so too I’m sure you are just as, if not more, proud of him.

    I know you must be having a superb birthday and with the loving support such as your father has shown in his post, you can’t help but have a terrific year! Happy Birthday Rachel!

    1. My birthday was AMAZING. Sunrises and Sunsets on the beach with s’mores and friends and family and sand and fun.
      It was beyond perfect πŸ˜‰

      I’m beyond proud of my Dad. He is quite possibly the most spectacular man I know (on match with my hubby) πŸ˜‰

  6. To Rachel’s Dad – You are very much why Rachel is who she is today. She speaks of you often and the love and special relationship you two share is enviable. I am extremely blessed to call Rachel my friend. And I thank you for your part in her life.

    Rachel – Happy Birthday! (Sorry it’s a day late!) Love you bunches and bunches, you’re gorgeous and awesome and I always look forward to the next time I can see you face to face, hug you and bask your contagious glow!

  7. OMG…that made ME cry. Stop it! lol. That was very sweet.

    Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your day. And here is to many more.

    **my birthday is on Thursday..I’ll be turning 30.

  8. Does it count if I cry too? That was seriously touching, moving and very well put!
    Happy Birthday, Rachel! I can relax knowing you didn’t forget the sun block and bug spray! Enjoy the sand.

  9. Rachel – Happy birthday my dear friend! That picture of you and you Dad is priceless. I see so much of him in you. And the pigtails – To. Die. For!! Could you be any cuter??

    Rachel’s Dad – Thank you for sharing a piece of your heart. It was a beautiful testimony of a Father’s love for his daughter. You have raised an amazing woman. You should be one proud Daddy!

    1. I ave looked at that picture a lot, Rachel even gave me a copy. I hadn’t really looked at her expression until this post. To me it looks like she is thinking “…I don’t think he’ll drop me…” Thank you for the kind words. GOB

  10. First… Happy Birthday!!

    Second… Did you see that a photo of you was featured on I Heart Faces today?! LOVE that one of you. πŸ™‚

    co-founder of IHF

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