“There once lived a King and Queen,
Who ruled a kingdom nice and serene
When into their lives a princess arrives
With a sparkling smile and twinkling eyes.
She brings joy to their lives with every day
And they love her in each and every way!
She’s been ruling their lives for 5 fun filled years,
And they look forward to more laughter and tears!”
November 18, 2003 6:18 PM
19 1/2 inches 7 lbs 15 oz

November 18, 2004 

November 18, 2005 

November 18, 2006 

November 18, 2007 

November 18, 2008 

My darling not-so-little girl,

Looking back over those pictures, it’s hard to believe how much you’ve grown. You are so smart and so well spoken, I often forget that you’re only 4 sob 5.

You are such a treasure. From your loving heart, your vivacious laughter, your sense of humor, your compassion and your beautiful personality… you are everything I could ever have asked for in a daughter, and more.

I am blessed to be your mother, the one chosen to teach you, guide you, love you and cherish you.

There will be times that I will yell at you, there will be times we both say things we don’t mean, but there will never be a time that you are not loved, a time you are not cherished, a time where I am anything but thankful for you.

I have always known and understood love, your father taught me a different level of love but you, you my darling daughter, you taught me a love like no other.
You are borne of my body, my heart, my soul and my mind.

You are smart, funny, strong, beautiful, compassionate, silly, confident, loving, temperamental, friendly, energetic and amazing.

I hope that at 15, 25, 45, 95… you retain all of these qualities. I will do my best to stand back and allow you to live, fall, experience, fail and triumph. I will try to never stand in your way, to allow you to fall because the biggest disservice I can do you would be to never let you fail. But I promise that I will always and forever be there to pick you back up, kiss away the tears, whisper I love you and nudge you back towards the right path. You are my firstborn. My only daughter. My always and forever Princess Stinkerbelle.

I love you more than words.

Happy Birthday Darling.



  1. *tears It’s been two years since I “met” you LOL I can’t believe how much she’s grown up. She’s becoming a little grown up girl.

    Happy Birthday Princess!!

  2. What a sweet post! Happy Birthday!

    And, holy cow…she was 29 inches long? Izzy is just now 35 inches at 2 years old!

    I imagine it happens all too fast.

  3. Happy birthday to the munchkin. (And HOLY OWIE on her forehead when she was born!!!!!! Make my chest hurt for her. OUCH!)

  4. Happy Birthday to the beautiful Princess!

    Oh, how time flies… I can’t believe how big she has gotten in just a few months.

    Congrats on the first 5 years of mommyhood. I hope you had a great day too!

    Take care!

  5. Rachel..that was beautiful.. such a beautiful post..

    Happy Birthday to your baby girl.. she really is just so beautiful..

  6. Your birthday posts are so poignant. They almost make me want to have another birthday. BUT NOT QUITE! Happy Birthday to my princess’ princess.

  7. What a wonderful tribute–to a beautifuly and spunky girl it sounds like.

    Happy Birthday to both of you.

  8. Oh Happy Happy Birthday Princess πŸ™‚

    She was a sweet baby, a cute toddler, a beautiful girl and will be a lovely young lady πŸ™‚

  9. This was beautiful, Rachel – as is your precious daughter. I hope she had a wonderful birthday – sorry I am late wishing her a Happy Birthday!


  10. Oh dear, I’m late for her party, but wanted to say how beautiful that was and I hope you’ll keep it and let her read it every year!

    Happy birthday!

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