Happy Birthday, Nathan.
Here you are, 33 years ago. You were so precious, tiny and new. As a Mom, I look at this picture and my ovaries quiver. As your wife, I look at it and grin. Damn you were cute.


January 27, 1976


There are so many things I want to say to you, so many different words and sentiments and they’re all jumbled up inside my brain fighting to get out.
Happy Birthday. I Love You. Thank You. What the hell were you thinking?

Why you saw me and decided you had to have me, I’ll never know but I am damn thankful for that.
You saved me from myself.
You constantly tell me that you wish I could see myself through your eyes because I’d be amazed.
I may not be able to see myself through your eyes, but I see the love and the passion and the strength of it all in your eyes when you look at me and it still has the power to weaken my knees.

I remember it all. The moment we met, the swimming pool, the phone calls, the apologies, the drives, the surprise roses, the green cast when you proposed. Everything.
Every moment of our lives is engraved upon my heart.

You stole my heart and healed it. Thank you.
Every one of my accomplishments, is because of you standing beside me.
You have given me a life full of blessings and love and compassion and beauty, and I am blessed.

Your compassion for strangers is amazing.
Your love and passion for our children brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
The fire in your eyes when you look at me makes me all melty and tingly.
When you say I love you and kiss me, the outside world ceases to exist.

You are my husband, my best friend, my lover, my partner and my blessing.

I love you more today than yesterday and tomorrow, I’ll love you more.

The power of what we have and the strength of my feelings for you weakens me and brings tears to my eyes, yet it fills me with peace and strength.

I can be having the worst day ever, and all it takes is your voice, your touch and I’m soothed.

There’s so much more, yet there are no words.

Happy Birthday.

I love you, Nathan.

Then, Now and Always

Your wife,



  1. wow, that was amazing. what a wonderful tribute to Nathan! Happy Birthday!!

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  2. Wow Rachel. That was awesome. You can feel the love you have for your husband!

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  3. Awww- Happy Birthday sthrn fairy tale husband!

    (That was so sweet and schmoopy!) {wipes tear}

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