Happy Birthday, my love.

Nathan – January 27, 1976


Today, January 27th, is one of my favorite days of the year; it’s the day we celebrate you.

You are the man who captured my heart and healed it.

Thank you.

Without you, I would not be who I am, where I am.

Every one of my accomplishments, is because you stand beside me cheering me on, supporting me and encouraging me.
You have given me a life full of blessings and love and compassion and beauty, and I am blessed.

Nathan, your compassion for others humbles me.
Your love and passion for our children brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
The fire in your eyes when you look at me makes me all giggly and tingly.
When you say I love you and kiss me, the outside world ceases to exist.

You are my husband, my best friend, my lover, my partner, my strength.

I love you more today than yesterday, and tomorrow I’ll love you even more.

The power of what we have and the strength of my feelings for you weakens me and brings tears to my eyes, yet fills me with peace and strength.

I can be having the worst day ever, and all it takes is your voice, your touch and I’m soothed.

Happy Birthday, Nathan.  I love you so much more than my 19 year old self could ever have imagined possible.

Then, Now and Always

Your loving wife,



Happy Birthday Daddy,

I love you because you carry me when I’m tired, you share your ice cream with me, you play with me, and you make me laugh.

You’re my favorite Daddy and I love you the most.

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

Love you,



Happy Birthday, Daddy!

I love you because you taking me fishing, you throw me in the air, you make me laugh and you’re my best friend.

I love you.



Happy Birthday to the most wonderful son-in-law any wman could ever hope to have.  You are gracious and charming and loving to me.  You are a gentle, kind and loving father to Princess and Monkey.

You are the perfect partner for Rachel.

I love you, Nathan, and I am so happy to be your mother-in-law.




Happy Birthday Nathan,

What do I say to you on your birthday? Well how about this.

You have had such a positive impact on all the people around you and the best part is your humility doesn’t allow you to actually see it. I could not have ask for a better husband for my daughter, father for my grandchildren (and they are OUR grandchildren, we just let you keep them on a day to day basis), son-in-law, friend and role model for my sons.

You have such a great capacity for enjoying life and I can see that not only your children, but your wife, family and friends are better for knowing you and spending time with you.

You have shown a depth of character that I have rarely seen in dealing with the passing of members of your family the last few years and I am very proud that I can call you my Son (in-law or outlaw).

Happy Birthday.



  1. What an awesome birthday post. Happy Birthday, Nathan! One of these days we’ll have to time your birthday with a trip to TX so we can go fishing. And compare shoes and watches, of course.

  2. Happy birthday Nathan! You shared your birthday with the youngest, the 8th child of 8 in my family, my sister and best friend Linda! Hope you have a great day!

  3. I mostly love Nathan because of the way he loves you so incredibly amazingly that it makes me happy I lived long enough to see with my own eyes, but also because he emailed me something today that said he’d call me a c#*t but I lack both the depth and the warmth.

    You got a good one, girl. He got a good one, too. I love the hell out of both of you.

  4. What a great post. Very touching. One of the best gifts anyone can give is telling them how they feel and how much you mean to them.

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