Today, May 20th, is my *little* brother Michael’s 31st birthday!

Happy Birthday, MY-kayla.


Michael, you were my constant companion, my playmate and my friend; whether it was me dressing you up in Granny’s clothes, painting your nails, flipping you over my head, you chasing me around the yard with a machete or you pulling a rug out from under me (which only took you 20 years to fess up to thankyouverymuch!) and causing me to split my head open.

I wouldn’t trade any of it.


Watching Princess and Monkey reminds me so much of us and yeah.. I probably owe you several hundred apologies, but the past is the past 😉

I love you, Kayla.

I’m so thrilled for the happiness that you’ve found with Melissa.


I pray that this birthday is just the first of many, many more filled with happiness and joy.

Happy Birthday!  I love you, kiddo.



  1. So sweet of you to honor Michael this way, Rachel. You two were great together growing up. We had a wonder weekend with M&M.

      1. Marisah Jennings – Thank You CASSIE!!! You are an amazing phtopgraoher!! and that was an amazing photo shoot! I had so much fun. It is interesting to walk around and not really knowing what your going to find:) Thank you for doing this for me!! You have beautiful talent to accompany your beautiful self!!!

  2. D’awwww….Thank you, Rachel. I was so touched by this tribute. I’m honored to have the greatest best friend and role model that a kid could ever have asked for. Love you, Big!

  3. Could your brother’s eyes be any bluer and his wife any prettier?! Happy Birthday to him! (I think your little monkey looks a lot like your brother did when he was younger)

    1. They both have the most beautiful eyes!! Paula, she’s is stunning and her skin is to die for.. she’s like a porcelain doll.

      🙂 Oh yes, Monkey is definitely family 😉 LOL.

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