Today would be Maddie’s 2nd Birthday.

Today, many around the Blogosphere are writing Birthday posts to honor her and to show love and support for Heather and Mike.


Maddie was a little girl with sparkling eyes, dancing curls and an infectious laugh.  She charmed and enchanted everyone who met her, and thousands who only met her through her Mom’s blog.  Thousands fell in love with her through Heather’s words, stories, pictures and videos and hundreds of thousands mourned her loss.

Today, is her birthday.

Honor the tiny girl with the huge legacy by donating today, her birthday, to the foundation started by her parents, Friends of Maddie.

Meet Maddie : Friends of Maddie – Supporting Families Supporting Babies_1257952895093

To read more posts written in honor of Maddie’s birthday, go to Meghan’s Blog

To learn more about and donate to Friends of Maddie, go here

and please join in the #Maddie hashtag twittering between 4 and 5 PM Pacific Time ( 7 – 8 CST or 8 -9 Eastern)

Heather, Mike and Binky.. All my love and prayers.

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