Jana dancing 1

Happy Birthday, to you

Happy Birthday, to you

Happy Birthday, sweet Jana-nana

Happy Birthday, to you!

This is Jana.

Jana was the rockstar choreographer of the #Blissdom Flashmob which might be the most fun thing that I’ve done all year!!

Jana picked me up at the airport and the moment I saw her — I knew.ย  My heart said to her heart; “I know you, I see you

Jana is one of those people whose smile is enchanting, her laugh is infectious and she draws people to her.

Jana has the rare gift of making everyone around her feel loved, special, unique and important.

jana and amy ::pure bliss::

I could go on and on about Jana all day but, I won’t.

I’ll just say this:

Jana, you are: Love, Laughter, Life, Vibrant, Beauty, Power, Joy, Friend, Light and more…

Happy Birthday, sister of my heart

I loves you

Want to wish Jana a happy birthday, today? You can say it here, or here or here

**pictures by me


  1. Oh Rachie, thanks so much for this honey, I dont have words, *bawling* This is the best birthday I’ve had in a very long time. And it’s not even 9 am yet. I love you. Thank you for being you.

  2. Happy Birthday Janna. I didn’t attend Blissdom but I did see the video of the Flashmob. Janna is one very talented lady to have organized it all and this is a wonderful tribute to your friend. Love the photos.

  3. That was like a GIANT heart felt thank you to the blissdom creators, that flashy moby thing was. And I loved watching it. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy Bday to Jana the new rockstar!

  4. popped over to say hello. i saw on twitter that maybe? you have something to do w ConAgra? i was a lucky winner and just wanted to say thanks. i’m tickled and amazed! i’m going to give it to my husband, who spoils me silly. oh. and i love jana, too. great photos!

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