Happy First Day of the Last Year of This Decade of Your Life.

(that’s about right, sounds exactly like something you’d say)

german choc cake for dad

I baked a German Chocolate Cake last night.  I wish that we lived closer so that I could have surprised you with it.

I can’t.

So, I took a picture of it, ate a piece and today I dropped it off at the elementary school and told them to enjoy it in honor of your birthday.  (They’re very happy today was your birthday)

What to say to you on your birthday?

I hope today is wonderful, I hope y’all throw some steaks on the barbie and that they’re perfectly medium rare, I hope the potatoes are crisp and tender.  I hope that the boys come over and that you’re surrounded by love and family and laughter and hugs, those things that you worked so hard to teach us are the most important aspects of life.

Thank you for always standing beside me.

dad and me

Thank you for holding me just tightly enough that your presence was always known but, not stifling.

Thank you for allowing me to fall and to fail.

Thank you for always picking me up afterward and helping me to find the right path.

Thank you for being an amazing Father and Man, one to whom every other boy and man was measured against.

Thank you for standing with me and loving me and laughing with me on the day you passed me over to the man who did measure up.

wedding day

I have learned and continue to learn so much from you.

About life and parenting, about saying I’m sorry and not being afraid to show my children that I’m not perfect.

I have grown and learned the most from you, not from your perfections, but your imperfections.  I hope I am able to teach my children in the same way.

Thank you for helping me to realize that life shouldn’t be taken too seriously, or I’ll never make it through in one piece.

You have helped me to see the importance of friendship, independence, laughter, love and knowledge.

You taught me to stand on my own two feet, but also to know that it is just as important to know how to ask for help and lean on others when it is necessary.

You were, and still are, the best father any little girl could ever wish for and now, the most amazing Grandpa.

grandpa and monkey pattycake

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

We love you so much.

Rachel, Nathan, Princess and Monkey


I had a plan.

The kids were going to sing Happy Birthday to you and I was going to videotape it and put it on here and it was going to be messy and adorable.

I can’t find my video camera, anywhere.  *sigh*


  1. Awesome! Happy Birthday, Rachel’s dad. I’m sure you’re as proud of her as she is of you. I know, what a tease with that cake, right??
    .-= BusyDad´s most recent blog ..To Rock =-.

  2. Rachel, you’ve got me crying (again) you are so sweet! Happy Happy Birthday to your dad, and German Chocolate is my favorite. That looks SO good. I live far away from my dad too so this really tugged on my heart this morning.

    Happy Birthday Rachel’s Dad!!

  3. *sniiiiiiiiiiiffffff*

    Happy Birthday Rach’s dad! You’ve raised an amazing woman here!!

    Cheers on your birthday!
    .-= Miss´s most recent blog ..She is Love =-.

  4. That? was an awesome tribute! No need for the video camera.
    Happy Birthday, Dad!
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..Halfassed at the HaHa house =-.

  5. Wow, you write very eloquently. That is the most sweet thing I have read in a long while, from one person to another. Have you thought about writing greeting cards? I guess it’s not the same if it’s someone else’s words, but this was truly sweet and I am sure your dad is honored to be the recipient of it.

    .-= Chick Hatchers´s most recent blog ..Mouthwatering Monday – Summer Asparagus Salad =-.

  6. Aww, hope it was a happy birthday!
    .-= SeriousMom´s most recent blog ..Fuck isn’t a bad word. =-.

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