You go by so many names:

Daughter, Sister, Friend, BeBe, Wife, Mother-in-Law, Mama, Mom, Becky, Becca Jane, Teacher…


and this year, you added another ..


You’ve been through more in the past 8 months, than most people go through in 5 years, a lifetime.

Through an absolute miracle, you found out you had cancer.

You made a plan, you met with doctors, and you went forward with Faith, Grace, and Determination.

8 months later… you’ve been through chemo, radiation, an esophagectomy.

“Side effects” due to 3 stooges style bumbling by doctors who should have known better, and yet you never lost your Faith, you maintained Grace, and strength while undergoing things that would have  caused a saint to lose their cool and let go some colorful language.

You showed your grandchildren strength, and grace under pressure.

You amazed everyone you came in contact with, and I truly believe that you, we, all of us are stronger, better, more Faith filled, more appreciative of every moment and every blessing for going through the past 6 months with you.

Now we, you, are celebrating the glory that is another year of life, another year filled with the unknown – and yet I know you, I know that you are waking up today and facing the day with Hope, Faith, and excitement.

I am so thankful that today we can pick up the phone and wish you a Happy Birthday, that you’re still here, that my children still have their BeBe, that Nathan and Melissa still have their Mother-in-Law, that Ellen and Cyndie still have their sister, that Dad still has his wife, and that William, Michael, and I still have our Mama.

For all of you who don’t know my Mama, meet Becky, Becca Jane, BeBe —–

My mom is an amazing woman. She is strong, beautiful, funny, passionate, loving, smart and the original Southern Belle.

Happy Birthday Momma.

My Mom on her First Birthdaymom first bday fix

My mom making it to her first birthday was a miracle. That picture, is a miracle.

She was born with brain tumors.  She survived the surgery.  She survived terrible asthma and lived to thrive and take that picture.

That picture up there. A powerful tribute and precious memento, a tribute to her strength and a precious memento for her mother, my steps fixed

Tackling the first of many obstacles in her life

Thank you for helping me to learn how to overcome my own obstacles with grace, strength and compassion.

Thank you for dorm rooms, first apartments, margaritas, being there for my ADPi initiation, thank you for late night cries, for caring enough to interrogate Nathan to make sure he was good enough for your little girl.

Thank you for the bachelorette party, the orgasm talks, the shopping trips but most of all, thank you for believing in me.

I’m grateful for it all.

The screaming, the laughter, the tears, the jumping on a bed yelling at each other, the late nights, the long lunches, listening as you read with your passionate, animated voice to my kids….

I’m grateful for it all.

and even if I’m not always the best at showing it, or calling, or letting you know …

Not a day goes by that you aren’t in my thoughts and prayers.

Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for you.

I love you, Becca Jane.

Happy Birthday.



If it ain’t messy, you ain’t havin’ fun.
Happy Birthday Wishes and Big Kisses,
from your little girl
mom and me kiss fixed



  1. olá bom dia.

    Amei suas receitinhas maravilha .
    gostaria muito de receber novidades no meu e-mail,

  2. Rachel, what a beautiful tribute to me. Thank you so, so much for your beautiful words which, of course, made me tear up. I love you so much, my precious daughter. I am truly grateful to be having another birthday and looking forward to living this year to the fullest. XOXO

  3. This story really resonated. I’m the daughter, mother, sister and great-granddaughter of Beckys. My daughter, Becky, is called BB by my grandsons. My mother was Rebecca, Becky and Becca. My sister is Becky and my GGrandmother was Rebecca. Loved this!

    Also, a friend made this last year and played around with it. She used Lorna Doone cookies for the base, dark chocolate chips and sprinkled pecans on the top. It was wonderful and how I make it now. This cracker toffee became really popular in the late 60s/early 70s. It was a favorite at Bridge Club.

  4. We found out Mom has colon cancer a few hours ago. Rach, I cannot tell you how much I needed to read this tonight. We have a touch 6 months ahead but knowing people who’ve been through it before and came out the other side…it really, really helps.

  5. Wow, Rachel, what a touchingly beautiful and heartfelt tribute to an amazing woman…we are all blessed to have her in our lives! Thank you for sharing:)

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