I want to say a HUGE Thank You to the amazing ladies who contributed to the Deliciously Edible Baking Part of the Handmade Holidays Christmas in July Extravaganza!


As a SUPER bonus (like 13 AMAZING homemade holiday gift recipes weren’t enough) the amazing ladies of Eighteen25 made these GORGEOUS From The Kitchen Of Labels for us, y’all, me, them. US!  Please make sure to drop by their blog and thank them and be prepared because I’m tellin’ y’all, you’re going to fall completely head over flip flops in love with them!

Downloadable PDF

Bridget kicked it off with these unbelievably easy and beautiful  Christmas Light Sugar Cookie Decorating Tutorial

Karly made these mouthwatering and extremely drool-worthy Sugar and Spice Candied Nuts

Amanda showed us how to make these insanely gorgeous and super easy No Bake Petit Fours!

I don’t know that Katie’s Homemade Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows would ever make it out of my kitchen.

Jennifer’s Sweet Potato Cookies have me looking at vegetables in a whole new and quite delicious light!

Tina, one of my new FAVORITE finds, submitted these insanely gorgeous and delicious sounding Chocolate Peppermint Bark Cookies

Cheryl took a much loved chocolate-y salty treat to a whole new level with her brilliant and drool-worthy  Chocolate Caramel Dipped Pretzel Rods

My friend Heather, shared her famous Peppermint Bark Recipe with us and I think several people hurt themselves licking their screens

The extremely talented and savvy trio of lovely ladies at How Does She submitted these crazy delicious Chocolate Mint Cookies and I am now digging through my pantry trying to find candy canes.

This blueberry zucchini bread from Jamie, is in a word. Tonguegasmic

Shaina’s chocolate dipped shortbread recipe takes a traditional holiday dessert that might normally get passed over and turns it into the cookie that everyone will fight over

Liz makes the most beautiful and creative cupcakes that I’ve ever seen.  She totally surprised and floored me by offering up theses Homemade Peanut Butter cups and now, I’m convinced there’s no dessert this woman can’t conquer.

Kate and Sarah’s blog Our Best Bites is beyond appropriately named and I can’t even tell y’all the grin that spread across my face when I saw that they were sharing one of my favorite super easy and delicious recipes, Chocolate Caramel Rollo Pretzel Turtles

Ladies, thank you.   From the bottom of my heart, thank y’all for sharing your time, your great talents and your passion with us.  I am honored and deeply grateful.

Cindy and Kelly, thank y’all for including me and my readers in this amazingly delicious and inspiring journey.

Don’t forget; y’all can find all of the Handmade Holiday Gift Ideas Here

I cannot for the life of me figure out the formatting to make everything line up correctly.  I’m a cook and a photographer y’all, not a tech/html/code person 😉 Sorry, y’all.  Seriously, if anyone can help me, I’ll be so grateful.  Visually, it’s driving me bonkers!


  1. this series has been wonderful!! definitely bookmarking this list!!
    the google doc doesn’t work though, it says “the page (or document) you requested is not available”

    1. Thank you so much Jacqui!! I have LOVED it!!

      WIll you try the document again, please?! 🙂

      I changed the settings, let me know! I’m still learning 😉

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