Haiku Friday

The relationship
that almost didn’t exist
for years it didn’t

They were dad’s parents
we were just baggage. Grandkids
but then it all changed

Granny Lou passed on
Dee got a new lease on life
became a new man

Happier, freer
took an interest in our lives
he found a new wife

a younger woman
seventies to his eighties
then they got married

a special bond formed,
grandfather and granddaughter
late, but not too late

Many years have passed
he was there for my wedding
memories and love

When Princess was born
down he flew, first great grandchild
he loved her right off

3 days in a car
with a one year old to be
at his ninetieth

She broke his moonshine
It eats through floors, did you know
he just laughed and laughed

Now, he has cancer
He hasn’t met the Monkey
Just seen him on Skype

Mom tells me today
He has a month or so left
It seems all too fast

Pain for the time lost
Blessed because of the grandpa
that my Dee became

I love you Dee, and I’ll miss you.

More Haikus can be found at Mommystory


  1. I’m sorry Rachel. It’s very tough when you lose someone, and that is a very fitting tribute. Are you planning to visit?

  2. Oh Rachel, I’m so sorry. That was a beautiful Haiku for your grandfather. I’m so glad that you were able to build a relationship in his final years…((hugs)).

  3. I’m so glad you have been able to forge a bond with him, albeit late. I’ll be praying that the next few weeks are peaceful and full of happy memories.

    The moonshine line…classic!

  4. Sorry to hear that Rachel. You have written it down very beautifully in that haiku. Hope everything will be fine soon.

  5. What a loving tribute reminding us all that late is better than not at all. I’m sorry for your loss.
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. Oh man, the lump in my throat is throbbing, Rachel.

    I’m sorry your Dee is sick. I wish his a calm and painless passing.

    Prayers and Hugs!

  7. ((hugs)) It was left in God’s hand for you to build a relationship in the final years. Maybe God has something else up his sleeve and you will see each other again.

  8. what a sweet and beautiful tribute to your grandfather. may his light always shine in you and your family.

  9. I am sad for you…what a wonderful expression and tribute to him in your haiku though…you are in my thoughts, as always, (hugs)

  10. oh Rachel, i’m so sorry. but i’m thankful that you had a chance to have a very special relationship with your grandfather. hopefully you will be able to visit him soon!

    take care.

  11. WHOA. you are talented. you can pack a whole lifetime of a story into one haiku


    on a more grounded note, I am genuinely sorry your grandfather is ill. this is a lovely way to honor him and I feel grateful to be included in your life. sending best wishes to you & your family

  12. Two visits to haikuists, two lovely tributes filled with pain. I guess it’s not a good day. Beautiful words, beautiful story. Sorry your time together is ending. Wishing peace and comfort for you and your Dee.

  13. What a wonderful tribute. I’m glad that you were able to mend your relationship and that he was able to meet your little ones.

  14. what a blessing, that he was able to form relationships before he got ill. i’m sorry about his sickness though….

  15. Oh. So sad. Such a beautiful haiku for your grandfather. I felt every emotion you wrote as if it were my own. *hugs*

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