spring garden salad 2

Remember when I told y’all about that cookbook that I have a recipe being published in?

The one where I urged y’all to sign up for the weekly recipe e-mails and hinted at a giveaway?

Well, that day is here!  My recipe: Grown Up Fruit Salad is the featured recipe this week!!!!!!  Hurry, go to that link and sign up for the recipe e-mails and then you can get the recipe, too and so many more delicious recipes, too!  All healthy, chock full of brain health enhancing ingredients!

Here’s the awesome.  I have one hardback copy of the ThinkFood Cookbook to give away to one of y’all!!!! (when it’s published, of course) 🙂

All you have to do to be entered:

  • Leave me a comment with your favorite healthy recipe (title, ingredients, description.. whatever :-P) and you’ll be entered to win!
  • For an extra entry: Tweet about this and leave your tweet url in another comment.

I’ll choose the winner via Random.Org on Friday, July 23rd at 10:00PM CST.

Good luck and YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Congrats to you!! that’s cool!

    My fave healthy recipe is a roasted vegetable hoagie! yum!

    thank you for the chance to win!


  2. My favorite healthy recipe is grilled shrimp over arugula. That’s it. Plain and simple. No dressing, nothing. I love, love, love it.

  3. I love homemade pesto – put it over some warm pasta – yum!
    Thanks for the giveaway – Love your blog.
    Congrats on the book!

  4. oh how exciting!

    My favorite healthy recipe is a crockpot chicken taco soup. It’s super easy, super delicious, and actually quite good for you! (until you top it with cheese and sour cream, but we’ll just pretend that’s healthy too! ha)

  5. i love having delicious salads. My favorite is a spinach salad with strawberries, feta, and homemade vinaigrette

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. Mmm.. that looks delicious.

    My favorite healthy recipe is a salad with brown rice, chickpeas, spinach, blueberries, roasted red peppers and artichoke hearts! Definitely have to keep the blueberries in there.

  7. It’s just with the yummy yummy in my head now, all night long. Thank you for that, Rachel and the Wiggles. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 😉

  8. Hmm, so many tasty recipes to choose from. I think my favorite healthy recipe is spaghetti squash with artichoke & olive tomato sauce. Super proud you made it in the book, it would be really handy for me and my family right now since we’re making a major shift in our eating habits.

  9. I want to be entered!

    There are so many healthy recipes I love, but I’ll say tabouli because I shopped for the ingredients today (parsley, mint, scallions, tomatoes, cucumber, garlic, lemon juice, and garbanzo beans that’ll get mixed in with the bulgur wheat and some olive oil, salt and pepper).

  10. Congratulations on the book, that must be so exciting! My favorite healthy recipe is a raw beet salad that I make very often because its easy and gives me lots of energy. I’d love to try your fruit salad recipe though!

    ~Aubree Cherie

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