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Slip and Slides


Barbecue Pits

Mosquito Spray




Longer Days

All some of my favorite things about summer.

We spend a lot of time around our Barbecue Pits during the summer. (yes, pits — what?  You don’t have 3 barbecue pits in your backyard?)

Backyard summer memories are some of my favorites from my childhood — splashing in the pool, running through the sprinkler, chasing fireflies at dusk all with the smell of charcoal and grilled foods wafting through the air and the sounds of squeals, laughter and amused adults echoing through the nights.

Now, it’s my turn to give my kids those same memories while making more of my own.

During the summer we try gather in our backyard around our barbecue pits at least once a week.

Since grilling is one of my favorite past times, I am excited to announce that I’ve partnered with Bush’s Beans to host a Grillin’ Party at my house and share their Grillin’ Beans with friends and family.

Grillin' Beans

I’m expecting a package from them today – with 3 flavors to taste and then choose my favorite to serve alongside the Chops and Chicken that we’re going to be grillin’.

Because the people at Bush’s Beans are so generous and love to promote Family time, they’re offering one of my readers a chance to win the same Bush’s Beans Grillin’ package that I’m getting.

So stay tuned — I’ll be sharing my party menu with y’all soon and telling y’all more about how you can enter to win the goodies!

I am being compensated by Bush’s Beans for hosting this party and for writing about it.  My thoughts, pictures and opinions are as always, all mine and 100% true.


  1. Love baked beans with corn on the cob! Love baked bean with eggs for breakfast too! Looking forward to your post 🙂

  2. I can’t wait to see what you make. And did you say three barbecue pits in your backyard? I guess you do like to barbecue. 🙂

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