I’ve teased y’all


I’ve shared some of my favorite new and old recipes just for this cookout

grillin' chicken

and now, it’s finally time.

Time for me to give y’all the chance to win this gorgeous dutch oven from Emile Henry


and all those other grillin’ goodies pictured below… IMG_9442

PLUS a $50 gift card to help you make your next cookout, the most delicious one yet!

The total value of this giveaway — $300!!!

Ready to get your grill on with this fabulousness?

First entry – Mandatory

  • Leave a comment with your favorite Cookout Story/Memory

Bonus entry(ies) –

  • Tweet this giveaway and link the tweet url here in the comments
  • What’s your favorite Bush’s Grillin’ Beans flavor and what do you serve with it?

okay, so y’all have up to 3 possible entries.Β  This giveaway is open from Thursday, June 9th at 9AM CST to Friday, June 10th at 10PM CST.

I received the same grillin’ kit plus compensation for my time in participating with this program.Β  The opinions and content are all my own.

Ready….. Set…. ENTER! πŸ™‚


CONGRATULATIONS to the Winner Doniree of NomadicFoodie

Comment Contest β€Ή A Southern Fairytale β€” WordPress_1307987597775


  1. My favorite cookout memory is from 4 years ago now. It was a cookout to celebrate my high school graduation. A simply divine night, perfect weather, great company, and amazing food.

  2. Awesome! My favorite cookout menu? I have a few! My birthday is in May and for the last few years I’ve preferred hanging somewhere lowkey with my friends rather than going out – so I’ve had t least three cookout birthday parties in the last few years! To me, it always signifies the start of summer πŸ™‚

  3. Awesome giveaway! My favorite cookout memory involves the countless days and nights of watching my dad hover over his good ole’ Weber grill fixing everything and anything. But no matter what we fixed, regardless of the occassion, whenever he’d bring the finished product inside, he always says “This might be the best you ever ate!” To this day it warms my heart.

  4. my fave cookout memory was a family reunion with some folks that i only get to see very infrequently

  5. My favorite cookout memory was the first time we took the kids to see the waterfalls up in Marinette county in Wisconsin. We stopped at Veteran’s Falls, and took them swimming at the base of the waterfall. And we had a REAL cookout, not just a picnic, with the whole nine yards. Bratwurst, hamburgers, potato salad. It was so fun.
    I hope to do it again this year.

  6. My favorite memory is fathers day 1999. It was our first year back on the east coast. My grandfather’s last celebration with us. All my first cousins (20+), aunts, uncles, siblings and my parents were there and my first son had just turned 1. Everyone was healthy and happy. It was a glorious day.

  7. My favorite Bush’s Beans flavor overall is onion. But my favorite grilling flavor is the Steakhouse flavor. I serve it with pretty much anything that hits the grill, but I think my favorite is with a big meaty burger.

  8. My favorite cookout was my very first cookout of my own — I was in college, I’d bought a little Hibachi, and I cooked up hot dogs and chicken breasts for me and my friend (now husband). We drank cheap and extremely cold beer, and ate charred meat, and stood around feeling silly and free.

  9. My favorite memory is still going on. I love grilling when we go to our family’s lake house in the summer. Sometimes we even break out the Weber grill πŸ™‚

  10. Years ago, my husband started throwing a cookout for his mom for mothers day. All of the kids (and now their kids) come and bring her flowers for her garden. The women spend the day planting while the men grill. It is the most pleasant way to spend mother’s day – the whole family all together spending time with the matriarch. She says it is the best gift she gets all year.

  11. While it was totally not about the quality of the food, one of my favorite grilling memories is hot dogs on a tiny grill at a Bonnaroo campsite.

  12. At a picnic a few years ago, my dad was so excited to test out his new smoker. He had it going doing a slow cook for bbq pork. The smoker was too close to the house and it ended up melting some of the siding. The thing I love about my parents is that they just laughed, moved the smoker away from the house and kept it going. The pork was so worth it!

  13. I remember cooking out before my husband and I left NC for California when my husband came back from basic training. It was bittersweet. I was leaving to go 3000 miles away but enjoyed being together with my family and being surrounded with food.

  14. So many good memories have been made while grilling a couple of burgers out on the grill. I think some of my most favorite have been around birthdays. It’s fun to have family around chatting, & an excited birthday child.

  15. My favorite grilling memory was when we were newly married. My husband was making foil packets of potatoes and onions and mistook paprika for seasoning salt. We still joke about it more than 10 yrs later.

  16. My favorite grilling memory is just from a few weeks ago. My husband was running late so I got the charcoal grill set up and lit. My 4 year daughter kept telling me that I couldn’t do it because “only DADDY uses the grill”. When I finally put the meat on and it sizzled in the heat she was thrilled that I got it to work; so I told her “mommies can do just about anything daddies can do”.

  17. Friends of my in-laws-to-be hosted a couples’ wedding shower for my fiance and I (10 years ago). They grilled an incredible — and an incredible amount of! — flank steak, perfectly seasoned. A little Vidalia slaw and beautiful desserts. Just fun!

  18. My favorite cookout memory is as a child, getting together with good family friends and cooking hamburgers and all the fixins. We always finished up with eating watermelon while wading in the bayou.

  19. Last memorial day weekend,while camping we made chicken balls on the grill and had some extra chicken breast left over. We decided to go ahead and grill them to have for chicken salad the next day. Well the dog had some how managed to wrap his leash around the legs of the grill and when another dog came by well there went the dog and the pit. LOL

  20. Favorite cook out memory? One of our very firsts as husband and wife – we took a day trip down to a local river and ended up cooking carne asada threaded on green sticks over a small open fire on the river bank.

  21. My favorite cook out story happened back in had to be about 1980. The rock band Queen was on tour and I worked @ a record store/ticket outlet. I purchased a block of about 12 to 15 seats (can not really remember) and we all got together before the show for a keg of beer, grilled steaks, baked potatos,and grilled corn!!! Then we all went to the show and sang every word to every song. It was one of the greatest times I’ve ever had.
    I grill on my Weber about 4 nights out of the week here @ my home in Central Florida. We are big time grillers!! I hope I win..if not? well Congrats to the one who does.


  22. My most memorable cookout memory is from my first camping experience as a girl scout. I was probably five and we went overnight camping somewhere and slept on wood platforms in the forest. That is how my five year old memory tells it anywhere.

    So one night for dinner they made “friendship” soup. We were all asked to bring a can of soup and they opened all the cans, poured them into a huge pot, and warmed it over the fire. Think, cream of mushroom, meets tomato soup, meets minestrone. Needless to say I wasn’t feeling very friendly towards that meal! The next morning breakfast was better. It was a mini cereal box scavenger hunt. Who comes up with this stuff anyway? πŸ˜‰

  23. My favorite cookouts are the ones where the family comes over and we all hang out on the porch, enjoying the fresh air and smell of grillin’ things while the food cooks! It reminds me of being at Grandpa’s house and all of my mom’s family coming over for a cookout.

  24. My favorite memory is when we would grill shrimp and lounge out by the pool. This was when I was around 12 or 13.

  25. favorite grilling memory? probably the transition of my father’s grilling from everything burnt to everything raw over time πŸ™‚ He never did get things “just right”

  26. We cookout every Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. Sometimes we cook out more often than that, but we always cookout those three days and those cookouts sometimes are the only times we see some folks all year long. So while nothing out of the ordinary or special may happen while we cookout, stuff our faces, and talk the time we spend together is made special because we get to catch up.

  27. Favorite grilling memory? Too many to choose. Most memorable one? Making BBQ chicken – as I pulled a piece off of the grill, a drop of BBQ sauce fell – RIGHT.ONTO.MY.FOOT. – *(NOTE: I was wearing flip-flops – oops)… The blister that resulted from the molten BBQ sauce? It was shaped like a heart…

  28. My favorite cookout memories are from the summers when I was a camp counselor. Nothing like seeing your cool-aid stirred with a bare arm when the spoon gets dropped, or choosing between the lesser of 2 horrors: the charred bits or the raw bits of a tin foil supper. Yum!

  29. Memory – Not once specific memory, but I have many memories of cookouts growing up, and for most of them, we would have fresh Jersey corn on the cob. I used to have my dog, Rambo, help me husk the corn. I would peel most of it down, and he would take a tiny chunk of the end in his mouth and help me pull it off. I know it sounds gross, but I promise, his chompers (or tongue) never touched the cob itself. He’s such a good helper!

  30. I have many memories of cookouts as I was growing up. My most recent was last week. I asked my husband if we had enough propane for me to grill and he was positive the tank was nearly full. Halfway through grilling, I ran out of propane! I had to laugh! Thankfully the grill was hot enough I was able to finish up πŸ™‚

  31. My favorite grilling memories are those from when I was little and remember my Dad manning the grill the rest of us hung out by the pool. We did this a lot during the summer and it was just great, fun family time. My mom passed away 2 years ago and I wish I could go back in time and relive these days!

  32. I don’t know if I have one favorite cookout story. Seem like so many evoke memories of family gatherings. Spending time w/ cousins at a campground or having picnics at my parents cottage. All good memories πŸ™‚

  33. My favorite memory was after my sister graduated from bootcamp for the Army; we met up with a long time family friend (he was an honorary “Uncle” to my sister and I) and grilled out in his backyard. It was the same thing we had done with him when I had graduated from bootcamp for the Marine Corps two years earlier. At this particular time I remember being so proud of my little sister for accomplishing something that very few people believed she could do, and excited for her future. This was also the last time we would see our honorary Uncle Boone, as he passed away from a very quick moving combination of liver/bone and lung cancer a year later. But I still remember him laughing as he grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob, his eyes twinkling with laughter as he teased me sister about her new Army uniform. I don’t remember what the food tasted like, but the memory of that day; outside in North Carolina by Uncle Boone’s grill, laughing and enjoying ourselves with futures full of promise, will always stick with me.

  34. Every 4th of July we grill out with my parents and sister/brother in law. It is always so much fun and has become a family tradition. We all bring our favorite dishes/desserts and my parents provide the meats (except I make firecracker shrimp!). It is always so much fun to cookout, swim & eat homemade ice cream and celebrate our nation’s birthday.

    bamagv at aol dot com

  35. My favorite grilling memory is from two nights ago when when to heat up the grill only to find we were out of propane. Oh, wait that is probably my least favorite grilling memory because those steaks were going to be good.

  36. Favorite cookout memory? The first time my husband used the grill that my mom, my sister, and I bought him for his birthday. It was a stretch to get it and he appreciated it so much–such a big improvement over the cheapo grills we had before.

  37. I have a wonderful pic of my now 17-y-o son cooking bacon over a campfire. He was in 5th grade, and needed to “cook a meal over a fire” to fulfill a boy scout. He has the biggest smile on and the bacon is just sizzling away…

  38. I just served Bush’s vegetarian baked beans at our memorial day bbq. I got the vegetarian ones fo the 15 yo neighbor girl, but everyone ate them. Delish!

  39. Don’t have a particular memory that stands out, just remember how my dad always grilled (and still does – even though we have to travel 4 hours to see him now that he lives NC!) the best burgers, chicken and hot dogs!! To this day, when we visit him, I always ask if he’ll please grill out for dinner one night – brings back childhood memories! : )

    Aimee @

    justkiddingaroundatlanta at gmail dot com

  40. My favorite cook out memory is just getting out with my mom and grilling for just the two of us. Grilling chicken or hotdogs and lots of yummy veggies.

  41. My fave bush’s grillin beans is Bourbon and Brown Sugar perfect with anything off the grill!

  42. I was a Girl Scout when I was a young girl. We would have camp outs and for the first night we would all bring “tin foil dinners”. It was a raw hamburger patty, topped with cream of mushroom soup, and sliced raw vetgetables. You would wrap the whole thing in tin foil, and then cook it over the open fire. One time one of the girls cooked her meal and when she opened it she realized her mother had wrapped her toothbrush and toothpaste in the foil, which did not cook well!

  43. I don’t really have just one favorite grilling memory. My hosband can make anything cooked over coals taste amazing. I remember when he first made homemade bacon- smoking it on the grill for yummy flavor. Or when we had shish-ka-bobs two nights in a row because they were so good. πŸ™‚ Tonight we are having these little turkey burger thingies served in pita bread with some apple raita. Yum!

  44. Favorite cookout memory would have to be a few years back we had a VERY last minute July 4th cookout. Lots of friends and family showed up, the weather was beautiful, we did water balloons and the adults got in on the fun (we have two hoses on the house and they were both found and used) my husband cooked on the grill during the day and again after dark. Everyone had a good time, the kids enjoyed night swimming in the pool. We have a fire pit where we roasted marshmallows and made smore’s. Just an all around great time.

  45. We like Steakhouse Recipe. We usually have beans w/ hotdogs or Keilbasa and corn bread or toast.

  46. My favorite memory is one of the first times we took my nephew camping after dinner we were going to cook marshmallows over the coals. My nephew was so excited he kept throwing the marshmallows on the fire, after this happened several times ( and to keep him from getting yelled at again) I went over to see why he kept doing this he said “so when are they done and we take them out to eat them”.

  47. Our new favorite cookout story just happened two evenings ago. Summer has hit in full force here this week so we decided to pull out the grill from garage and have our first cook out of the season and when we pulled out the grill, low and behold, a stray cat had delivered a litter of kittens behind the grill. We rescued the kittens, which we are now bottle feeding, and proceeded to cook our steaks (much later of course), but we will remember this first cookout of the year for many years to come, especially now that we are having to wake up every 3 hours to bottle feed hungry baby kitties.

  48. Best grilling was during Girl Scout camping trips when I was young. Everything tasted better outdoors. I loved building the fire and tending it. S’mores made on a campfire are terrific. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway. Have a good summer.

  49. My favorite cookout story: A huge family get-together with about forty kids (under 15) and about 100 adults, where my favorite uncle in the world brought sacks of crawfish and alligator meat (steaks& sausage), and even some snake meat! ….and dared (with a $ prize) all the kids to shuck and eat a live raw crawfish. Lots of fun (especially for a ten year old kid). πŸ™‚

  50. Texas Ranchero is my favorite, and I serve it with grilled steaks and steamed veggies medley.

  51. My favorite cookout was during summer vacation up in Michigan on Little Long Lake with my family. We shared a delicious meal that included Bush’s grillin’ bourbon brown sugar beans that were gone in no time. We are going back up this summer and I can’t wait!

  52. O MY CUPCAKES!!!!!

    Grillin in the forest, and it snows in June. We live at seven thousand feet, in Flagstaff, Arizona. When my partner and I came to Flagstaff from Huntington Beach, Calif., we lived in the forest for fourteen days. We were just getting ready to eat our delicious bbq chicken, veggies, and some smores, and then the SNOW, out of nowhere, and we actually got snowed in, and our bbq grill well we couldn’t lite it again. BRRRRRRR!!!!!!
    blessings, redraven

  53. my favorite memory is one of my dad… during the great Ice Storm of 1998 here in Maine. During that ice storm, many people lost their power and were out for days on end. While other family members got their power back within a few days, my dad was a bit discouraged that his home (off the beaten path a little bit, and not priority) would be out of power for a few weeks. Driving was still hazardous, because even after the ice, there were downed utility poles and trees everywhere. Lucky for dad, there was a nice snow pack to keep things cold outside however he had no backup plan other than his trusty charcoal grill to cook on because his electric stove was out of service for awhile. Knowing that he was okay, we finally managed to get to his neck of the woods after about 5-6 days. As we pulled into the driveway, there he was-surrounded by his three trusty Lhasa Apsos, cooking steak on the grill and wearing his parka, oblivious to the cold. He’s been gone about 2 years now, but that memory of him grilling in the dead of winter after the ice storm warms my heart to this day.

  54. OOPS!!!! Love the new flavors, especially the black bean Bush’s beans, and oh yeh, I really want a dog like that, is he also part of our gifts???lol. redraven, blessings

  55. hubby loves the Texas Ranchero grillin beans and serves them up with some warm, handmade tortillas and guacamole… and we can’t forget the carne asada either!

  56. Sounds silly but one of my favorite memories of grilling was actually just recently. We were trying an experiment of eating from OUR HOUSE for two weeks and not buying/eating out. So we ate shish kabobs and and grilled them and it was cool to realize that everything on the stick we had either grown or raised ourselves –

    New potatoes,
    steak cubes

    SO yummy and satisfying.

  57. We were camping and had already eaten whatever we had cooked up either on the grill or over the campfire when it was time for dessert. I had brought a watermelon, but nothing to cut it with, so broke it open on the bench and gave each kid, ages 5 and 2 at the time, half of the watermelon and a spoon. It was the best time ever – eating the watermelon right out of the “shell” and having it drip everywhere. Those were 2 *very* sticky girls!

  58. we do alot of conventional cooking on the grill, however, one year my oven was on the fritz and I had to bake my husband’s birthday cake. I did bake it in the kettle grill, over indirect heat. Saved the day!!!!

  59. I can’t pick just one great memory from grilling out with family and friends. Whenever there is great food and great company involved it’s always a nice time!

  60. My favorite cookout/grilling story is my husband’s and I had our first date and it was a picnic that involved grilling- that was 30 years ago. The man CAN work a grill- I think that might have helped him win me over πŸ™‚

  61. Our Bush’s Grillin’ Beans flavor we use most is probably the smokehouse tradition – we like that one with beans and franks and add a touch more brown sugar to make it sweeter. We also like the steakhouse flavor alot too- that is great to have with anything with a sauce on it. OK, I am getting hungry, we love those beans!

  62. I love grilling in general–the first time I made corn on the cob on the grill, I followed a recipe and did quite well in spite of my dad! He would have fouled it up.

  63. I love Bush’s original grillin beans–we would serve those with any kind of hamburgers or hot dogs or even steak!

  64. My favorite cook outs are the ones we do while camping at the beach or while tailgating. It’s not a party till the grill’s fired up!!

  65. My favorite memory of a grill out was one that took place last summer. After years of weeds, and frustration, friends & family helped me to christen my new gazebo, backyard & grill in a home that has truly become my own.

  66. My favorite grill memory is when we had a general family cook out down at the river. I was up the hill grilling. A kid got caught int real rough current. My son jumped in after him. It was 20 minutes before I knew if either of them were alive as the waves washed them down river. The drowning kid went to ER and was OK. My kid came back up and ate a lot of grilled food. He got a Carneige medal on that. Maybe I should not say that is my favorite memory really – but my most thankful. I was not much hungry after that, but my son sure did chow down even after all that. Must be nice to be 16 I guess. I will for all my life know that any little mess is no big deal on a cookout. My kid was alive. He was hungry. It was a good cook out in the end – thank goodness.

  67. I can’t seem to figure what to say about grilling experiences. There are just not any that really stick out in my mind. I love eating meals that have been grilled but I’m not a very good griller so I tend to let my husband take over. I think, maybe, it was our first experience with cooking vegetables on the grill that stands out the most. Asparagus, red pepper, red onion and maybe zucchini, too, tossed in a sun-dried tomato vinaigrette, placed in an aluminum foil bowl with holes poked in it then set on the grill while chicken (also marinated in the vinaigrette) grilled. The vegetables were DELICIOUS, I almost forgot to eat the chicken!

    Oh, and we did attempt to bake cornbread on the grill earlier this week! That was interesting. It turned out alright but I think it needs some tweaking before it becomes something really amazing.

  68. My favorite Bush’s grilling beans would have to be the Bourbon & Brown Sugar. I doctor them up a bit with my special seasonings, put them in a heat resistance bowl and place it right on the charcoal grill. Yummy! it picks up all that delicious smoke from the grill and just taste great. I even did this with the regular Bush’s beans before they came out with the grilling beans. My mom and dad did the same thing. We have a long history with Bush’s beans.

  69. One of the stories I remember is from last summer. We moved into an apartment downtown that does not have grilling space. The hubby and I grilled in the parking lot.

  70. Every year my husband and I would throw a Memorial Day BBQ for friends and family. It eventually got to be nearly 60 or more people at our home. I’ll never forget the one year, not only did it rain, but our grill was so small, my poor husband stood in the garage cooking on the grill for over 2 hours to cook all the burgers and hot dogs for all our guests! It turned out to be one of the best times ever though!

    Thanks for the giveaway, and reminding me of that memory!

  71. My best cookout story: So, my sister’s birthday happens in June. And well one of my other sisters decided it would be great to get her a smoker/grill for her birthday. The thing was huge and we all got sparkly-eyed just looking at it. So, naturally, we bought the chicken, the corn and all of the trimmings for our first cookout. Pumped. Psyched and ready to charcoal until we had to assemble it. Who needs instructions when you have an “I got this” mindset? Clearly, my sister. Instead of the smoker/grill standing it upright and cylinder shaped, it was horizontal and resembled a toaster version of Megatron. Was she deterred? Nope. She tried to “fire it up” until of course something almost caught fire. Next best thing? Build your own which is exactly what she did. She “MacGyvered” the stuff and made a smoker that smokes and grills while its in a conventional oven! The result? Best darn smoked chicken I’ve ever had!! Of course, the entire house smelled of smokey goodness but it was a small price to pay for meat that good.

    I’m typically NOT a fan of baked beans. I say typically because my other sister made these beans that were so good, I practically knocked my son over to get seconds. She uses Bush’s Country Style and then does her “magic” with all sorts of spices and seasonings and then viola. Tasty goodness that I’m not ashamed to harm others for. (smile)

  72. My favorite cookout memory is probably when my husband and I were dating and tried grilling by his truck on a road trip. We were young and totally unprepared and didn’t have any utensils. It’s funny now and a great memory!

  73. Recently, I attempted to make my favorite dish (Shrimp Brochette), on our grill. I went by a recipe I found online, and followed it precisely! It called for just one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in the spice rub for the shrimp. The minute we took our first bite we knew that even one teaspoon of cayenne can have a big POW! πŸ™‚ The shrimp had a wonderful flavor, but it was almost too spicy to eat! I’ll use just a pinch of cayenne from now on, no matter what the recipe might say!

  74. The Black Bean Fiesta flavor is awesome. We have those with pork chops, chicken, and beef dishes. Yum, yum!

  75. I love grilling with my kids. My folks didn’t grill much, but we have the grill set up so that it is easy to use at our house. We head out to the deck and spend time as a family. . .making memories over the grill!

  76. Oh I really could use this. My husband isn’t the best at grilling and is always blaming the grill tools. LOL. My favorite cookout memory is when we had this horrible ice storm and no power, so my mom made all our meals on the grill outside in the snow. !! Also, I love the old days when I’d go on summer music tours and we’d grill at the campground or beach. Good times.


  77. I’m a little more than a year out of college, so my favorite cookout memory might seem a little strange. My friends and I used to grill off the balcony of their apartments on college football game days and watch the away games together. Football was a big part of my college days and those “grill and chill” days are some of the best memories!

    I’m not too adventurous about bean flavors (yet!) so I would say Original Bush’s Beans served with some great barbecue ribs or burgers!

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway and thank you to Bush’s!

  78. My fav cookout memory is bonfires with my entire family- Grandma, parents, siblings, spouses, and my & my brother’s kids- in my parent’s backyard. I’d give a lot to have just one more!

  79. I don’t really have any favorite grilling memories per se. I guess one could be the grilling we did at the lake during Memorial Day weekend. We roasted corn on the cob on the grill one day with sausage and chicken. We also grilled burgers and fajitas while we were out there. My favorite would have to be the corn though – my son even wanted more! It was yummy!

  80. Favorite memory was of grilling barbecue at my first camping trip ever. I’ll never forget the trip or the food πŸ™‚

  81. Ooooh, too much fun!
    There are a slew of favorite memories that come to mind when our girls were little and our best friends and their daughter would come over and we’d spend the evening on the back porch eating grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage links.
    Makes me fell like calling them and telling them to get over here!

  82. My favorite grilling story is really an ongoing one–it’s that my son and husband take that time to bond. They throw the football and talk and talk. And the girls tend to hang out in the kitchen doing the same-talking. It’s fun for all of us. πŸ™‚

  83. Since moving to Texas my family and I have become “driveway people”. We roll out our webber kettle, set up a folding table, drag out some chair and grill. Before we know it all our kids appear with friends and then neighbors stop by to chat. Love it!

  84. My favorite cookout memories are all the ones I had at home when I was younger. My dad and uncles would be cooking out and my mom and aunts would be inside gossiping. I would hear all kinds of great things just sitting there listening. Now that I’m older and have my own family I like to be outside with my hunny and kids so there isn’t any gossiping in the kitchen but I still love to be with my family

  85. Favorite memory – hands down it is when we BBQ’ed a yummy butterflied leg of lamb. OH my was it yummy and we had some great friends over to enjoy it. Everyone LOVED it. It had lots of rosemary and garlic and was to die for. Thanks for the chance to recall a great memory. Enjoy your day!

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