If you’ve been around me for a hot minute, you know that I love to cook, grill, entertain and be around people.  I love to feed people, to see their smiles and to hear the boisterous laughter and conversation drop to murmurs and mumbles when delicious food is being consumed.

I love empty, messy, fork- scraped plates because that means that both hearts and tummies are full.

I honestly can’t tell y’all what my favorite food to grill is, because the truth of the matter is that I love being outside, and the smell of a hot grill, the sound of the sizzle when food hits those searing hot grates, well that just makes my heart go all 3 times bigger grinch-swelly.

There’s a major grilling holiday coming up this next weekend, in case you didn’t know, and I’m excited to share an amazingly easy and delicious steak recipe with y’all.

These Grilled Steaks with Cilantro Lime Butter are a perfect pairing for Bush’s Black Bean Fiesta Grillin’ Beans

I’m really excited to share this super simple, flavor packed, mouthwateringly tonguegasmic recipe for these Grilled Steaks with Cilantro Lime Butter



“Grillin’ Bold this Memorial Day? Bush’s has the beans for it. Come join the cookout with Cookin’ Canuck and Hoosier Homemade sponsored by Bush’s Grillin’ Beans.”  Link up your recipe and enter to win a great giveaway

If you need inspiration for this Memorial Day, trust me.. the recipes you’ll find in that link-up are sure fire winners!

Happy Monday, y’all! Thanks for bearing with my disappearing act last week.
After the crazy, scary weather… we shut everything down and just spent time with each other.

Thank y’all for coming back, linking up and sharing.

I appreciate y’all and your deliciousness!

‘); // ]]>Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Bush’s Beans, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


Grilled Steaks with Cilantro Lime Butter

Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:10 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 4 8 oz each Ribeye Steaks
  • 1/2 C room temperature unsalted butter
  • 1/4 C fresh chopped cilantro loosely packed
  • 3 Tbsp fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp lime zest
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • optional
  • sprinkling of crushed red pepper flakes for each steak


For the Cilantro Lime Butter

  • Place 1/2 C room temperature, unsalted butter in a small bowl
  • Add in 1/4 C chopped cilantro, the juice of 2 limes ( about 3 Tbsp), and 1/4 tsp lime zest
  • Mix all the ingredients and use immediately, or seal with plastic wrap and save for later.

For the steaks

  • Rub each steak with a bit of Cilantro Lime butter
  • Place the steaks on your hot grill and cook.
  • Remove from heat, place another dollop of Cilantro Lime Butter on top and allow to rest 5 minutes
Author: Rachel


  1. you’re the best – ks.
    so very thankful you didn’t lose anything other than a tree in last week’s storm.
    many blessings!

  2. Great steak recipe! Beef steak is my favorite during grilling season. Love the cilantro lime butter! I’ll have to try it next time – soon. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Yum. Yum yum yum. I’m so with you on the messy plates and happy hearts. This looks absolutely delicious, and I’m definitely making it soon. In fact, I bet it would pair great with my CousCous salad – it’s an avocado/tomato focus, perfect with the cilantro butter, no?

    great. Now I’m hungry again.

  4. This looks absolutely delicious, and I’m definitely making it soon. Thanks for letting me visit your site. Please keep posting such an awesome post.

  5. Deliciouso…! I love the twist flavor, thanks for sharing this recipe. I’ll recommend this to my mom because she loves cooking.

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