
This is the grilled steak and grilled asparagus that I made for Sarah and her husband when they came over last weekend.

It was crazy good. CRAZY good, do you hear me?ย  Tonguegasmic even.

However, that might be one of the worst food pics that I’ve ever taken so I’m thinking I need to make this again so the pictures can be prettier. ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s Friday, the weather is gorgeous and I’m feeling the need to grill this weekend and I thought some of y’all might, too.ย  So, here’s an easy and delicious meal idea for you.

Grilled Garlic and Beer Steak

  • 4 good thick steaks (these are 16 oz ribeyes)
  • 1 bottle of worcestershire
  • 9 cloves of garlic, minced
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 (12 oz) bottle of beer (I used Miller Lite, Shiner would be good, too)
  1. rub the steaks on all sides with the garlic, lay the steaks in a baking dish and pour the worcestershire and beer into the dish.ย  Marinate overnight, turning once.
  2. Grill to perfection, we like Medium Rare so we cooked them (we, being Nathan) for about 4 minutes per side over medium heat.

Grilled Asparagus

  • 1 bundle of asparagus
  • aluminum foil
  • olive oil
  • garlic salt and pepper (or fresh minced garlic and pepper)
  1. Place a double layer of foil on your counter and lay asparagus in a single layer on the foil
  2. drizzle with olive oil and liberally season
  3. Fold over foil to create a sealed packet
  4. Grill about 5 minutes on each side over medium heat

This meal was DELICIOUS and SO simple!ย  A fresh crisp green salad or fruit salad or even some roasted corn on the cob would also make for some delicious sides!

Sarah brought over a new wine and I’m rather in love with it.

yummy new wine

You can buy it at Target (unless you live here and your Target doesn’t have this wine) or you can get it online from The Wine Sisterhood.ย  If I were you, I’d buy this amazing Fall Sampler or send it as a gift to someone you love (coughcough) ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, what’s your favorite thing to grill?

this post was in no way sponsored by anyone other than my tastebuds and cravings ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. When hubby makes grilled ‘hisparagus’ (that what the boys always called it) he uses Italian dressing and Parmesan cheese…OH SO YUMMY!!

    And you can NEVER go wrong with steak! ;o)

  2. Omigoodness, I have to see if I can get some of this before my stepdad gets here. I was all prepared to make salmon until my mom told me he doesn’t eat fish! Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€

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