Alright y’all.

It’s not often that I say this, but I’m pattin’ myself on the back over this recipe.

It is absolutely, positively, hands down one of the best recipes that I’ve ever made.


If you’ve never grilled an avocado, you’re missing out.

Once you’ve eaten a grilled avocado your life changes for the better.

There’s something magical about a grilled avocado – it becomes a tad bit butterier, a bit more flavorful, more rich, more delicious. Basically it intensifies and makes better, everything that makes an avocado the delicious and wonderful fruit that it is.

Top the grilled deliciousness of an avocado with homemade black bean and sweet corn pico de gallo and  you’ll hear choirs of angels singing  (if you can hear them over your own moans of delight, that is)

Grilled Avocados with Black Bean and Corn pico de gallo


I’ve heard mutterings about grilled avocados over the years, but never lent much credence to the rumors.




smoky grilled avocados with black bean pico

I had some amazing Avocado experiences at EVO this past summer, and listening to person after person expound upon the yumminess of grilled avocados, I made the decision right then and there that I had to try a grilled avocado.

Here’s the thing, grilling an avocado is easier than you think.

  • Slice a ripe avocado in half  and remove the pit
  • Brush with olive oil,  and place flesh down on a hot grill over medium to medium high heat for about 5 minutes (the time does depend upon the heat)  The skin will start to change color and if you lift the avocado up, you’ll feel a softening and you’ll see a delightful darkening and crispness developing on the flesh of the avocado.

The yummy and healthy fats from the avocado release and soften and create this amazing creaminess and smokiness that is simply unmatched by anything else.

I have since fallen in love with grilled avocados.

They are the perfect snack, they make killer guacamole and now with this recipe – I’ve discovered Grilled Avocado nirvana!

I started thinking about Cinco de Mayo this weekend, and that got me wanting something grilled and yummy, spicy, creamy, and smoky, while still being healthy.

My mouth started watering, my brain started whirring, and my stomach started growling.

I had to have my Cinco de Mayo treat today, because we’re heading back to the old house to finalize some work and I won’t have a refrigerator, a grill, or the ability to cook.

So I went to the farmer’s market and picked up a few ingredients while this craving and inspiration whirled and mish-mashed around my brain.

The cans of black beans and corn caught my eye in the store and everything clicked into place.  I knew exactly what I was going to do.

Grilled Avocados stuffed with my favorite Black Bean and Sweet Corn Pico-de-Gallo

Black Bean and Sweet Corn Pico de Gallo

I prepped the black bean and sweet corn pico de gallo before going on my run and getting the kids from school, while the kids finished their homework I grilled the avocados.

While I was licking my fingers and shamelessly sampling plating the grilled avocados and photographing them my mom came in.   She sniffed the air and proclaimed herself to be starving.

It would have been cruel to make her wait, and I was done photographing (I hoped) so I gave her a spoon and an grilled stuffed avocado half.

She took one bite and started moaning.

I think her first coherent words were: “Oh my God, Rachel.  This is amazing”

Grilled Stuffed Avocados for Cinco de Mayo

I may or may not have bounced up and down and clapped my hands together while saying – “I know! I’m so excited about these!”

These are life changing, y’all.

I made them again for dinner tonight.

I would have them again for breakfast tomorrow if I had any more avocados.

I want to host a party JUST so that I can make these for people, they are that good.

Make them today, tomorrow, now, hell – I don’t care when you make them. Just make them!

Grilled Avocados with Black Bean and Sweet Corn Pico de Gallo

Smoky grilled avocados stuffed with homemade black bean and sweet corn pico de gallo with fresh lime juice. Perfect for a quick snack, a party appetizer, or just because.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes
Cook Time:8 minutes
Total Time:28 minutes


  • 2 ripe California Avocados
  • 1 C Black Bean and Sweet Corn Pico de Gallo
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
  • Juice of 2 limes freshly squeezed (roughly 1 1/2 to 2 Tbsp)


  • Slice the avocados in half lengthwise, and remove the pits
  • Brush the flesh with olive oil and place flesh down on the heated grill.
  • Grill about 8 minutes - rotating half-way through for pretty grill marks. You'll know they're done when the skin changes color, and the flesh darkens and develops a crisp layer.
  • Stuff/top each avocado half with the black bean and sweet corn pico-de-gallo drizzle with fresh lime juice
Author: Rachel

What’s your favorite healthy, yummy snack?  Does it involve avocados?

What’s your favorite Cinco de Mayo recipe?

If you have a favorite avocado recipe, you should link it up to our California Avocado #CaAvoCincoFiesta Recipe Fiesta giveaway! It has over $1600 in prizes!

linking to Buns in My Oven’s What’s Cooking Wednesday

While I am currently working with California Avocados, this post is not sponsored in any way.

Every ingredient in this post was paid for out of my own pocket, and the recipe created out my own desire for a yummy avocado recipe.


  1. I’m in love! I’m not eating black beans or corn right now, but I am eating avocados!!! I am grilling them this weekend! ❤

  2. Hi – The link for the Pico recipe is just taking me to a picture, not the recipe. Thanks! Can’t wait to try it.

    1. HI Michelle, I’ve fixed it. It was the link inside the recipe itself, thank you for letting me know! The other two links in the body of the post were correct – I appreciate you catching that for me! Happy Monday! – Rachel

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