Ever have one of those days?
Where you want something and you have no idea what it is?

When it feels like your mind has restless leg syndrome?

I was feeling that today.

Perhaps it was being stuck in the house again with a stomach flu riddled kiddo (on the mend!) or it’s that we’re in that in between of waiting to hear whether the house we want to rent in Katy is going to work out, or it’s just that time of year… the in between where it’s 50 one day and 82 the next.

I was craving something, so I went into the kitchen and grabbed my Granny’s oldest copy of Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook and started leafing through it.  There’s something about the worn pages, the falling out due to use pages and the gift of her handwritten recipes and notes tucked away inside that soothes me.

This recipe fell out and I knew that it I had to make it.

Really, when doesn’t chocolate make things better?  And making something of Granny’s… well it’s as close as I’ll get to cooking with her again…


I pulled open my cupboards and lo and behold.. all the necessary ingredients were there.

I put Pitch Perfect on my iPhone, popped in my headphones and got to work

There’s something magical about blending cocoa, butter and sugar together to create something delicious and simple

The thought of making candy actually scares the tar out of me.  The boiling, hardening, the multiple stages.. {shudders}

Homemade candy and bread are on my bucket list

While the music played and I stirred, I felt soothed


The smell of melted chocolate and butter, the slightly dusty smell of the oats and the sweetness of coconut – they all blended together and as I scooped spoonfuls of them onto parchment paper – I was no longer restless, there was comfort and peace and rightness.   I glanced at the tattered handwritten recipe and I smiled.  No matter where I am, no matter what’s going on… history, recipes, family, love – it’s always there in the legacy of the paper and the kitchen.

no bake chocolate coconut peanut butter candy


Princess, who hates peanut butter and coconut – I’m thinking about DNA testing her – who IS this child?   She loves these.  I caught her in the fridge FIVE times tonight snagging another

Monkey, my sweet little Monkey is my adventurous little eater and he nibbled one of these, while his eyes lit up and he asked me to save one or three and put them in his lunch tomorrow.



no bake coconut oatmeal chocolate peanut butter cookies

No Bake Chocolate Coconut Peanut Butter Candy Cookies

No bake candy cookies from Granny's recipe. Cocoa, butter, coconut, oats and peanut butter combine for a mouthwatering treat. This is a recipe to pass on and share.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:20 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes


  • 2 C white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 C cocoa dark is my preference
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 1/2 C butter
  • 1/2 C crunchy peanut butter
  • 3/4 C chopped pecans
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 C quick cook oats
  • 1/2 flaked coconut


  • In a medium sauce pan, bring the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk to a boil. Boil for one minute, stirring constantly.
  • Reduce the heat to medium and add in the peanut butter. Stir until the peanut butter is completely melted.
  • Remove from heat and add in the vanilla, oats and coconut.
  • Stir until completely combined.
  • Drop by spoonfuls onto a parchment lined tray
  • Place in the fridge until chilled


I adapted the recipe slightly from Granny's original. Y'all are free to make it as she did, play with it to suit your own family's tastes or make it as I did.
These are a bit sticky, I keep them in the fridge or even the freezer 🙂 YUM
Servings: 4 dozen or more - depends on your
Author: Rachel

Where do you go to soothe your soul?  Is there a certain recipe that makes everything right?


  1. Ever since i was a little girl, we’d make these as often as we could except we didn’t usually have coconut on hand. How funny to have a similar handwritten recipe! Enjoy and don’t forget the milk to go with them. 🙂

  2. These are similar to my Grandma’s no bake cookies. She doesn’t use coconut or crunchy peanut butter but these sound yummy! We always made them together when I stayed the night. Now she makes them with my boys!

  3. Mmmmmm! When I was child our next door neighbor used to make these. I am so totally making these tomorrow. The picture is amazing.

  4. These are Fab U Lous!! It was hard to not eat
    the candy mixture right outta the pot! My daughter, who is 7, is learning how to bake; this is the perfect recipe.
    We adjusted the recipe just slightly: used 1.5 C
    of sugar and added more peanut butter.
    They were deliciously perfect! Thank you for sharing this recipe. It’s a keeper!!

  5. I just made these vegan and gluten free! It was simple and they turned out delicious!
    Simply use GF oats instead of regular, soy mil instead of dairy, and Earth Balance instead of butter!
    Thank you for posting – I’m glad they were so simple to adapt.

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