The tie dye cake cones are cooling on the rack.

tie dye cupcake cones

The red velvet cake cones are nearly ready to come out of the oven.

You’ve just come down for one more kiss, one last joke, one more hug, a few minutes more…

I hug you, I laugh, I kiss you, and I nudge you upstairs…. because, go to bed.  There are still presents to be wrapped, streamers to be hung, confetti to be spread….

and then I realize… once you go to sleep

10 will only be a memory.


Come back for one more kiss, one more story, one more hug.

I can’t wait to say good morning to 11, but I’m not quite ready to say Goodnight to 10.





  1. You made me tear up. I don’t want her to grow up, but I love watching her grow into the young lady she’s becoming. Still, I miss that little girl who followed me around and hung on every word.

  2. Awww, that was so well written. Brought a tear to my eye. My daughter is 10, and I want time to stand still right now.

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