The Death of our washing machine complete with shards of metal and all precedes this exchange:

Me to Nathan: “The washing machine is dead, what are we going to do?

Nathan responded: “Well, you could always wash clothes by hand in the river

I replied: “Nathan, I don’t even iron. Why on earth would you think I’d hand wash clothes in a river?

Nathan’s response: (smirk) “You make a good point

Happy Weekend, y’all.


  1. A couple years ago, a drive belt on our dryer wore out and I had to go to the laundromat for a few days until we got it fixed. I would have rather washed the clothes in the river… sketchy places laundromats. Hope you get a new washer very soon and can avoid the dark side of cleaning clothes.
    .-= Tara R.´s most recent blog ..Water lilies =-.

  2. haha, this is cute!

    we just bought a new washer last week, waiting for it to come in and I seriously am losing my mind.

    hope the transition to a new set is quick and painless.

  3. A girlfriend introduced me to Downey Wrinkle Releaser last weekend and that is officially why I will love her forever. I don’t iron either.

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