It’s been nearly 4 years since this picture was taken in Cozumel during our first Carnival Cruise,

carnival cruise family picture

and for the past few years has been our only family photo – until we went all radical and colorful that is.

Thanks to Carnival, in just a few days we’re embarking upon another Carnival Cruise Ship – this time it’s the Carnival Magic, and we’re headed for another 7 day cruise in which we’ll spend some time in Key West, FL and in The Bahamas!!  To say that we’re ecstatic is to downplay it a bit.   We have a countdown on our kitchen chalkboard, the kids won’t even let me put their new swimsuits in their dresser drawers, and my husband keeps checking his weather app and dreaming about the weather in Florida and The Bahamas.

We haven’t planned our excursion yet, so if you have any suggestions we’d love to hear them!

We’re packing up our swimsuits, goggles, flip flops, comfy clothes, books to read and looking forward to extended family time, dancing on deck, new experiences and lots of adventure.

I have my own checklist of MUST NOT FORGET items starting with:

  • sunscreen
  • swim suits
  • flip flops
  • tennis shoes
  • toothbrushes
  • camera
  • batteries
  • case of water

Here’s what I would love from YOU!  Have you ever been on a cruise?  What are your best tips, tricks, ideas, must pack.. must do.. must experience etc…

I can’t WAIT to hear from YOU.

I will be updating periodically throughout our trip as Carnival is providing me with some internet time!!!

Our cruise has been provided by Carnival Cruise Lines, however all thoughts and opinions are completely my own and thoroughly honest. We are responsible for all gratuities, excursions etc…



  1. When we go on our cruise in August I am taking one or two over the door shoe racks! I read somewhere they are fantastic in the bathrooms for holding all your toiletries and then the second one in the stateroom for items like sunglasses, etc.

    And the one excursion we are doing FOR SURE is the dolphin swim in the Bahamas!!! I cant wait! And I can not wait to see your pics, etc.

    1. Lori – we are trying to talk the kids into that one!! We really wanted to do parasailing, but they both said no!

      LOVE the over the door shoe rack IDEA! OH MY BRILLIANT! going to Target NOW

  2. WOOHOO!!! I’m excited for y’all!!! We plan to do that sometime soon!

    If y’all are coffee drinkers, a travel mug is handy. I see you’re bringing bottle water but I also recommend a reusable water bottle. If doing any excursions, might consider bug spray depending on where you go. I also recommend a fanny pack! LOL Or a lanyard to hold your sail card, chapstick, money. 🙂 Have a blast woman!

    1. Nate drinks coffee, so that’s DEFINITELY a must! Fanny pack! YES! I am going to pick up a lanyard for each of us, too! Great tips, thanks Lori! Miss ya!

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