Usually when I do a blogging event, I travel…

I go to New Orleans, Nashville, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago…

I have never been less than 3 hours from my own front door…

Until yesterday.

Yesterday, I got to host an event in my own city.   I was able to invite my every day friends, the “IRL’s” and I got to bring Princess.


Yesterday I got to share the excitement and fun of blogging and social media events with my ‘everdays’ – my ‘IRL’s’


Y’all know them.. they’re the  family and friends whose kids go to school with my kids, the people whom I run into at the grocery store, the ones who see me at the gas station, kickball practice, meet the teacher and the reality of every day… the unpracticed, unscheduled, the un-events.

Yesterday, my worlds collided…

and I loved it.

Yesterday there was a unique alignment of stars and moons and PR companies and phenomenal brands and Garnier’s Greener Tour came to Corpus Christi, TX.


And not just any part of Corpus Christi, but the small-ish random-offshoot of Corpus Christi that we happen to have called home for the last seven years.

Because of this amazing collision of worlds and blessings, I was able to be a part of my friends getting treated to fun hairstyles


Getting some not really typical one on one time with product


I think what I enjoyed the most…

beyond the hairstyles and the giggles


and the getting to watch my friends get their first SWAG

(and it was some amazing SWAG)



beyond all that, it was watching my friends being listened to.

Not only was I watching them learning about a new side of a product that many of them already had in their homes,  I got to see them share their thoughts and opinions on the products they currently use and the ones they didn’t know existed.


I got to play a tiny part in some of my favorite young ladies seeing that beauty and some beauty products, are far, far more than just skin deep


They learned about recycling, hydration, health and paying it forward…

They learned that no matter your path, you can make a difference.

You can impact the future.

That feeling, that knowledge, that empowerment… it is priceless.

And I am truly beyond blessed and humbled to be a part of it.

I have been compensated for my participation in Garnier’s Greener Tour. My thoughts, opinions, and photographs are completely my own.

Stay tuned… there is more to come… like a giveaway!



  1. Garniers is good for the skin..I use this before and it had a good result for my skin..Thanks for sharing..

  2. I love Garnier products! Funny thing is I wouldn’t have ever tried it before I learned to coupon. Their shampoo is the the best!!!

    1. LOL Candi 😉 Coupons can lead to some pretty cool discoveries! 🙂 Well, you definitely need to come back to check out the swag bag giveaway then!

  3. It sounds like a perfect day. Garnier couldn’t have had a better blogger to recount the experience you shared with your IRLs! The pictures you took just added to the excitement of your post. Princess is so lovely and looks more like you every day! 🙂

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