Pasta with garlic, tomatoes, spinach, parmesan and mushrooms

Savory, Spicy, Rich, Bursting, Tonguegasmic… all adjectives that describe this insanely delicious and simple to make pasta.  This was one of those.. “hmmmmm, I’m looking through what I have on hand, how can I throw it all together and oh yes.. Michelle asked me to make a vegetarian dish...kind of recipe

So, I grabbed a bunch of things from my pantry and fridge and put them on top of my stove:

Ingredients for Garlicky Pasta

(you’ll notice once we get into the ingredients.. the wine and basil aren’t pictured here.  They were halfway through cooking, additions) 🙂  That’s just how I roll y’all 😉 LOL

Garlicky Veggie, Rotini Pasta Toss

  • 1 box barilla pasta plus (see, the spaghetti up there. yes, last minute.. I changed to rotini.. I love the spirals)
  • 16 oz cherry tomatoes (roughly 22), halved
  • 12 to 20 mushrooms, sliced (how many do you want?)
  • 6 oz fresh spinach leaves
  • 6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • olive oil, to drizzle in the pan.. no measurement
  • pinch of kosher salt (well, 2 really)
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 1/4 C pinot noir or chardonnay (Barefoot Pinot Noir is what I used)
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 1 C fresh grated parmesan cheese

Prep all the ingredients, cut, grate, slice.. etc….

Cook the pasta according to the directions on the box, when it’s done drain it, drizzle with a bit of olive oil, add a pinch of kosher or sea salt, toss together, set aside and cover.
While the pasta is cooking heat a skillet over medium-high heat and drizzle with olive oil. Add in garlic, pinch of kosher/sea salt, basil and crushed red pepper, cook about 1 to 2 minutes, until the garlic begins to brown.
Add in 1/4 Cup Pinot Noir or Chardonnay and  red peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes and a squeeze from the juice of 1/2 a lemon cook about 8 minutes, stirring frequently.

Tomatoes, Mushrooms and Garlic Sauteeing in Wine

Add in 5 to 6 oz fresh spinach (about 2 handfuls of fresh spinach leaves, it will look like a  TON of spinach but, while it cooks, it will reduce. a lot.

spinach in veggies for pasta

Once the spinach has wilted, remove from heat, add to the dish that is holding your pasta, mix well, top with fresh grated parmesan

fresh parmesan on top of veggie pasta

Mix it all together and serve.

Garlic, Veggie Whole Grain pasta

You will lick your lips and love me. Trust.

This is SO EASY.

Nathan said: “I’m really surprised that I like it so much.  There wasn’t any meat in it, and I’m full, and I really liked it.  Will you pack some for me to take for lunch tomorrow

WOO HOO!!!!!!

Join the tonguegasmalicious fun! Link up your recipe to Mr. Linky with your name and post URL. Make sure that you say Hi, Howdy or what’s happening in the comments. Grab your tonguegasmic button and link back here so that others can share the foodie recipe sharing love and make sure to stop in and say Hi to the other linkers!!! Thanks and happy eating!



  1. That looks (and sounds) delicious! And so, so pretty…
    .-= Arkie Mama´s last blog ..Arkie Mama: Bidding summer adieu =-.

  2. Oh God, YUM.

    I just ate dinner, and am full, but this? This made my throat water.
    OH YUM.
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Image =-.

      1. Arugala.. it’s delicious.. slightly peppery.
        You could also add broccoli in, instead of the spinach.
        Or just use green bell peppers.
        I thought you just couldn’t have raw spinach? hmmmmmm.

  3. Thanks for the great vegetarian recipe!!! This looks awesome! 🙂

    Corinne from It’s Vegetarian!
    “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” – Albert Einstein

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