A couple of weeks ago I shared my favorite Game Day Grilling Tips with y’all.
That same day, Nathan and I hosted a Game Day Cookout for the UT vs OU game (let’s just not talk about the score — mmmmmkay!)

football cheeseball

There was a ton of food, friends, football, cheering, shouting, laughter and full tummies. All in all, an extremely good day.

For pre-game snacks I made; a football shaped cheeseball, a veggie platter and a killer spinach & artichoke dip (recipes coming)

For the main event I was given Bush’s Onion Baked Beans (do we sense a theme?)

Onion Bush's Beans

Brown sugar, specially cured bacon and a delicate blend of spices are slow cooked with onions to create our Onion Baked Beans.

I paired these delicious sweet and slightly savory baked beans with these ridiculously delicious and mouthwateringly large 1/2 lb onion burgers.

To create these burgers and feed our big hungry crowd, I started with 7 pounds of ground chuck, 2 heads of garlic, 2 onions and 1/4 C of meat seasoning.Β  I chopped the garlic and onions and then mixed everything together in a big bowl.

Then, I used one of my new favorite kitchen goodies, the hamburger patty shaper, to make giant 1/2 lb burger patties


This yielded 13 full size patties and one smaller ‘jr’ burger, which I loaded on a freezer paper lined tray

burger patties formed

I put the patties in the refrigerator to chill for about 3 hours – the cold patties cook better and don’t fall apart on the grill! (old restaurant trick)

About 30 minutes before we were ready to cook the burgers, I got my chipotle caramelized onions started.
I ring sliced 6 medium size yellow onions and added them, 1 stick of butter, 2 chopped chipotles and 1 Tbsp adobo sauce to my large saucepan.

caramelizing chipotle onions

I allowed that to just simmer and caramelize, stirring occasionally. I can’t tell you how many of the guys I caught snagging onions out of the pan while they were cooking – it was almost comical. They reminded me of Monkey with cookie dough πŸ™‚

Nathan put the patties on the grill, flipped them each one time and holy moses, y’all — the smell was absolutely mouthwateringly out of this world!

burgers on the grill

I laid out a buffet of different cheeses, burger toppings and everyone followed their noses to the stove where the caramelized onions and beans were simmering


We topped our burgers with chipotle caramelized onions and pretty much nothing else was needed.
The silence that fell over my house while everyone ate — well, the only sounds you could hear were chewing, moans of delight and that, was all she wrote πŸ˜‰

The Bush’s Onion Baked Beans were an absolutely perfect accompaniment to the burgers!!

The only problem — everyone started eating so quickly and devoured their burgers so fast that I never got a picture of a *built* burger or plate with beans on it!Β  Which, in hindsight — is actually a pretty huge compliment πŸ™‚

Hamburgers bush's

We had such a wonderful time, the food was a HUGE hit and I sent everyone home with a coupon to get some Bush’s Baked Beans for themselves!

And now, thanks to the wonderfully generous people at Bush’s, I have a surprise for y’all!!

One of YOU love A Southern Fairytale readers is going to win a Bush’s Beans Grillin’ Kit of your own!!

cue the applause


Bush’s Baked Beans Giveaway


  • One black Bush’s branded cooler with speakers

oΒ Β  Cooler has side zippered pocket with jack to allow for compatibility with MP3 player and front pocket to store accessories

  • Two royal blue Bush’s branded folding chairs

oΒ Β  Chairs have built in cup holders on each side

  • One hamburger press with handles — (two vigorous thumbs up from me!!!)

oΒ Β  Prep two perfect burgers with this two-piece press, an easy way to make neat and uniformly sized patties

  • One hot dog/brat griller

oΒ Β  Six-slot stainless steel cooker produces professional-style results while keeping foods from failing through the grill

Β·Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Vouchers for Bush’s Baked Beans to serve up to 20 guests (or 5 cans)


bush's give away



Want to win?Β  It’s easy, here’s how you can enter!

Mandatory – (if you don’t do this, you aren’t entered)

  • What favorite Game Day Grilled Entree’ of yours would pair perfectly with one of Bush’s NINE Baked Bean Flavors? See all nine flavors here.

Bonus Entries – (each must be in a separate comment)

  • Tweet about this giveaway and leave your tweet url in the comment
  • In a comment tell me about your favorite Game Day/Grillin’ Memory

That’s 3 entries per person!! This giveaway is open from Friday, October 21st, 2011 to Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 10:00 PM CST – the winner will be chosen via Comment Contest plug-in. The winner will have 24 hours to claim prize via e-mail, if the winner does not respond a new winner will be chosen.

I have been compensated for my time and participation by Bush’s Beans, however my opinions, recipes, photographs and experiences shared with y’all are 100% my own


  1. Hmm, game day memory: I remember 26 years ago, when my hubby and I were young and not that long out of school, driving 6 hours, dropping our precious baby off at a dear friend’s parent’s house, and spending the day at a Purdue football game. It was such a treat. We were very young, never had a babysitter and didn’t get to spend much time together as just a couple. One of my favorite memories.

  2. My favorite game memory is actually a whole season of memories. My senior year at the University of Illinois was so fun. Grilling and tailgating and making it to the game in time to see the Chief dance. We even made it to a bowl game down in New Orleans. It was a great season!

  3. Any of the nine flavors (9!) would go well with our favorite grilled marinated flank or flat iron steak! But I think I would choose the Bold and Spicy!

  4. One grilling memory was at a big football game (Va Tech vs my alma mater, William and Mary) here in VA. We were the out-of-town visitors so we didn’t have to bring food, just beer πŸ™‚ But the spread that the home team followers put on was amazing! Yum. I could have missed the game πŸ™‚

  5. One of my favorite game day grilling memories was back when the Saints were so bad they were called the Ain’ts and we all wore bags over our heads. (You had to be there LOL!) Lots of great get-togethers in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

  6. My favorite grilling memories were made when we would take family camping trips. Baked beans was a camping essential. But cooking breakfast over the grill was always was my favorite meal.

  7. Lately we’ve been enjoying grilled turkey cheeseburgers. I would pair this with my favorite Homestyle Bush’s

  8. I make “meatloaf” burgers and I think the Bush’s Onion beans would go great with them πŸ™‚ YUMMY> I am cravin’ burgers and beans and grilled goodies now.

  9. One of my favorite grilling memories was tailgating at a San Francisco Giants baseball game with all of my hubbie’s work peeps. We had so much fun, and my kids were practically the only ones there so were spoiled rotten!

  10. My college doesn’t have a football team. So, when I was able to go to a neighboring college with some girlfriends, tailgate and enjoy the whole football game experience, what I enjoyed most was sitting around a tailgate, sharing good drinks and good conversation. Ah, good times.

  11. Okay, don’t laugh at this! We like Bush’s Country Style Baked Beans with grilled hot dogs so we can have “beanie weanies” if there are any left overs. It was a fun and inexpensive meal when our children were young and everyone still enjoys it now that we have grandchildren.

  12. Taking a rack of baby back ribs on the smoker that have cooked all day and serving Bushs’s country style baked beans. The best ever.

  13. My favorite game day grilling memory was about 6 years ago… we lots of times have a Super Bowl party and go all out since it really is the only party we have all year- and this year Green Bay and the Cowboys were playing. . It’s always cold and there is snow on the ground, but this year it snowed, and snowed and snowed and snowed…. it snowed 2 1/2′ that day. Hubby and I had everything ready- wings marinating, chops, ribs the whole she bang and we had invited some of the real big fellas that could EAT A TON! Hubby started the grill in the early morning the day continued on, and I could see the snow getting deeper and deeper around him and his grill.
    It was so bad that only people very close by (2 neighbors) could make it. We sent wings home, and we ate BBQ for days after.
    It was still a nice time, the game was good and the BBQ as always melt in your mouth πŸ™‚

  14. My BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches would pair great with any of the Bush’s baked bean varieties! I saw some new flavors of Bush’s baked beans, I will have to try! – – My favorite game day grilling story was going tailgating and to a game at LSU. I can still taste the BBQ and baked beans! I was told it never rained at an LSU game. Wrong! It poured and poured, but everyone tailgated and watched the game in the rain. Everyone acted as if it were sunny outside. Oh, the memories!

  15. My favorite game day grilled entree is spicy and sweet chicken wings. I think they would pair beautifully with Bush’s Homestyle. The sweetness from the Bush’s bean would be a welcomed buffer for those spicy wings.


  16. A game day memory I have is we were just starting out as a young couple with 2 kids, so money was not something we had a lot of (still don’t lol) but our grill came from a garage sale for $5 bucks. We had a couple of friends over for the world series one year and had purchased lots of things to grill. My husband and the guys were doing their manly thing outside at the grill, when directly my husband comes in and says “It Kentucky Fried Chicken tonight babe”. I was taken aback and asked him what had happened. He said they loaded the grill and the whole bottom fell out of the grill and one of the guys tried to kick the coals off the deck and kicked the whole bbq out in the grass where the dogs, started chomping the food. LOL Now my husband has a decent grill and keeps up the maintenance.

  17. I love to make my grilled teriyaki chicken. I use equal amounts, depending on amount of chicken, of crushed can pineapple, soy sauce, oil and crushed garlic. The longer it marinades the better. Overnight is great. These are great with the Boston style beans.

  18. My favorite game day grilling memory would have to be now that my 3 year old grandson is part of those game days. He loves to watch the games with his Dad and Grampa! Food is always a big part of those days of course. My daughter in law and I both love to cook, she does more of it than me lately. My son and husband have always watched the games together, and now to have Ben be a part of that excitement is just awesome. I have no interest in sports myself, never have. But I love the fun that my family has and enjoy the cooking and eating with the family, but especially love watching them enjoy themselves.

  19. My favvorite game day … Christmas Eve 2005 ~ my hubby’s “back from Iraq” present was tickets to the Browns / Steelers game! (huge Steelers fan) He was totally surprised

  20. We love burgers that we stuff with a jalapeno cream cheese mix, we usually have them with the maple and bacon flavor beans .. they are our favorite kind.

  21. My favorite game day memory is going home to my parents in Wisconsin last year to watch the Packers win the Superbowl, it was great to share that with my family!

  22. I like to pair the bush’s country style baked beans with the western style bbq ribs, its a good combination.

  23. My favorite grillin meomry; we had just had an ice storm, there was no electricity in our home, so my family and i decide to bbq on the back patio. we were outside in ski masks and big coats getting our bbq on. The best fun ever!!

  24. A favorite game day memory is going to the see the Gators win the SEC Championship back in 2009 while I was pregnant with my daughter. I was about to give birth at any moment. My husband was a little distraught at my condition, but overwhelmed and consumed by the game too. I was an exciting time!

  25. I love their country style-it is the way I make them…only…well…Bush’s actually makes them better…

  26. My favorite grillin’ memory has to be grilling every thing in the freezer during Hurricane Wilma so it wouldn’t go bad. hamburgers, chicken, hot dogs-you name it, we grilled it! It was good stuff and we stored it in the coolers and warmed it on the grill along side the Bush’s baked beans we had going in the pot on the back.

  27. My favorite thing to have with the Bush’s Original baked beans is grilled cheeseburgers. I like to dip mine, bun and all, into the sauce the baked beans are in. Yum!!!

  28. We like to do burgers around here, too, with lots of onions and garlic packed into the meat when it’s grilled. Would love to win this — we’re big fans of Bush’s around here!

  29. My favorite memory is my Dad and I watching the Tennessee Vols win the national championship back in 1998! Don’t remember if we grilled anything but I know we had lots of snack food that night. πŸ˜‰

  30. We love the Bush’s Country Style Baked Beans with Cheddar Stuffed Grilled Burgers and Southern Potato Salad and lots of sweet tea!! Thank you for all you do and Many Blessings to you… Tammy in Alabama

  31. I would pair my piloncillo pork chops with the bold and spicy beans. Excuse me while I drool on my keyboard at the thought!

  32. My favorite game day/grilling memory is not a specific time and place, but the smells and feelings of the grill starting up with mesquite wood, cooler temps with a nice fall breeze, friends laughing and tastebuds waking up in anticipation of the delicious food!

  33. I add the bushes bold and spicy beans to my game day nachos instead of using refried. It adds the perfect taste and texture to make them a huge hit with our family and friends!

  34. My favorite game day memory is being a part of the Superbowl halftime show, with my now husband, when the Superbowl came to Houston! A priceless memory for me!

  35. Is 8pm too late to make myself a burger? ::drool::

    I love Bush’s Boston Recipe, and they go PERFECTLY with my husband’s smoked pork butt.

    Heh. Butt.

  36. After Adam was born it was newly spring – April weather is always a little unpredictable. But Sidney fired up the grill that afternoon and made what has to be the absolutely BEST steaks I have ever had in my life. They tasted SO good. I’d worked hard that morning and it was awesome to be pampered and well-fed that evening. πŸ™‚

  37. My favorite game day/grillin’ memory is tailgating at Buffalo Bills home football games in the middle of December

  38. Loving your new burger gadget and your cold burger trick. And I have to mention GARLIC burgers caught my eye for sure πŸ™‚

    Hope you are doing well! πŸ™‚

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